Prayer for the daily struggle

Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on to the eternal life to which you were called and confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:12

My God on this prayer of the daily struggle I place my desires and my greatest difficulties in your hands. In this way, the Lord can mold me and transform my entire being into what you want for my life. So do not let me fall into temptation, forgive my sins and strengthen my faith and guard my soul. Look inside me, you know what is happening in my inner life, how I have sought you so that you may come and change my entire being.


Then hear my God in heaven this prayer of daily struggle and give me power to overcome the darkness. So the enemy will not defeat me because on my side is Jesus, the one who fought on the cross for me. Certainly my Christ is victorious and the principle, he is the light that dispels all darkness, this is what they consider me an enemy.

As my soul sings for you Lord, that is why I seek you in this prayer of daily struggle. So I put myself in your hands at all times because I want the control of my life to be in your hands. Only the Lord has the keys to open what humanly cannot be opened and to close what humanly cannot be closed. That is why I trust in you, praying from the bottom of my heart. my soul.


May your will be fulfilled in my life and strengthen my soul so that I may grow in grace.. Forgive my sins and hear this prayer of mine in my daily struggle and prepare me for eternal life. Although I know that I am not a worthy person, I know that Christ died to save my life, so I hold on to Him.


Who am I to seek you and demand anything, other than to point to your promises and ask that you fulfill them because the Lord does not fail or lie. I cling to Christ who saved my life on the cross of Calvary, dying in a dishonorable way.. However, he did not consider any of this for the sake of me and everyone who believes. Even in the face of rejection he went all the way, so my God, help me to go all the way too.

Oh my God, I know that I have believed, so I will not deviate from the path that You have proposed for my life. Certainly the enemy will not defeat me because the power of the Holy Spirit will be with me.. Don't consider me a flawed person, I simply ask that you hear my prayer of daily struggle and help me to stay strong.

May your name be praised, may everything you have created bow in reverence because your presence is magnificent. The Lord created all things for an eternal purpose, so I want to be a part of it all eternally..

My God, never abandon me, always place your hands on my shoulders, whispering in my ears. So I will never stray because the Lord will always be by my side. In this prayer of daily struggle I put my trust in you because there is no other and you give me the power to overcome evil.

The Lord knows everything that happens in my life and what my greatest battles are. So come to me at this moment. In this way, your name will be glorified and exalted in your presence. In this prayer of daily struggle, I also present my entire family. Touch the heart of each one of them so that they may surrender their lives to you. All this I ask, my Father, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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