Prayer of Instruction

The heart of man charts his path, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

My God in heaven this prayer of instruction It is to place my life in your hands, for the Lord is faithful and true. Surely everyone who kneels before you will be lifted up to eternal life.


I present myself before the Lord because in you I have true instruction. In this way my life will be directed to the path of eternity like your wisdom. Then fill me with your grace and take control of my life completely. I am yours and no one else's, so I ask you to listen to me and give me what is best for me. Holy God, I know that You are listening to this prayer of instruction because You said You would teach the path we should follow.

My God, come and instruct me and direct my steps on the path to eternity. Do not allow me to follow the paths of death But always come and direct my steps upwards. Although I am a weak and sinful person, I feel complete dependence on you. I recognize that I am not a good person, if by any chance there is any kind action in me it is because of your Holy Spirit acting in me.


When I seek you with this prayer of instruction, it is out of an enormous desire to serve and not abandon your path. Although I am a flawed person, I recognize your infinite greatness and your restorative power. That's why I ask you  take care of every moment of my life.


My desire is to be with Christ forever, and to be able to touch him. I want to hear his voice teaching me, talking about his infinite kindness. In eternity I will see your eternal wisdom, because I accepted the work of redemption in my life and therefore I was restored forever.

Can a sinner live without the Lord? This is never possible, that's why I seek this prayer of instruction from you. Certainly You are just and compassionate towards your people and towards all humanity. Certainly each one will drink from what they sought, but I chose your forgiveness, the one on the cross. He is my sure path to truth and life.

I will seek you infinitely because I know that the Lord is pure, transforming all who believe. There is no life without the Lord, as he brings all existence with the power of his word. But what I admire most about all your achievements is how you transform the heart of human beings. This really is admirable, the greatest of your miracles within the human being. This is only possible through the greatest miracle that made this possible, which was the cross of Christ.

That is why it is good to seek you with this prayer of instruction, as I draw near to you and I feel your restorative power over my life. Touch the lives of all my loved ones, touching them seems like they accept you too. Help them understand that Jesus is the greatest hope.

I end this prayer by handing over everything I am and have into your hands. Surely the Lord is king and maintainer of all things. Accept this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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