Prayer of enlightenment

For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared before the face of all people; Light to enlighten the nations, And for the glory of your people Israel. Luke 2:30-32

Every time I turn to you, Lord, with a prayer of enlightenment, I rejoice in your kind willingness to help me. In reality God, the Lord is holy, loves the sinner but hates sin. That's why I'm alive, thanks to every opportunity you offer me. Without the Lord I am completely lost, so forgive me my sin now, O Father.


O God, it is very good to wait for you, because I have welcome, I have salvation in Jesus, my beloved savior. Simeon, a man very fearful of you, Lord, he waited for the Messiah, having enormous faith. Then the Holy Spirit showed him that that boy, Jesus, was the savior of humanity. God incarnate came like a child, in great dishonor, to embrace me and give me his righteousness.

So, God, my desire is to honor you, accept your salvation daily. Christ cares about me, so I give myself to him once again. I didn't see Jesus in person, but someone told me about this truth, then I took possession of salvation. Therefore, God, transform my life, take away from me everything that is not good, do not let me weaken. This prayer of enlightenment, I ask, may it illuminate my path so that I may be a blessing in your cause here on earth.


Open my eyes Lord so that I can see your salvation daily in my life. Open my eyes when the bad dust of this earth doesn't want me to see your salvation. When I am in a situation of agony, discouragement, sadness and pain, open my eyes and make me see beyond the curtains, into your sanctuary and see that Jesus is sitting next to you interceding for me.


Make me a channel of blessing and Help me see the wonders that the Lord works in my life and in the lives of others. This prayer for illumination of my path helps me see beyond what I see at the moment. Holy Father, I know that I will not understand everything, but help me to see the Lord at my side, guiding me.

I wish the Lord to be my portion in the morning, in the afternoon, at night and even to protect my mornings. I know that the Lord is always walking by my side, but sometimes I know that I will only see your footprints in the sand, because you carry me in your arms.

The prayer of enlightenment I pray at this moment is that my life will always be illuminated by the light that comes from your throne. That powerful influence of the Holy Spirit be upon my life, see Jesus, no longer with that lovable fragile child, but the one who is powerful in battles.

Jesus came, my God, to illuminate the nations and thanks to this light I can see the Lord. Even though I am a miserable sinner, the Lord loves me, looks at me, puts me at his side and says: son, I am with you. Direct my steps, strengthen my tired soul, give me your teaching. My desire is to always be doing prayer of compassion, because he has compassion on me.

Save me daily for your kingdom and prepare me to meet Christ on the day the Lord has determined. In the name of my beloved Jesus. Amen!

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