For he did not despise or abhor the affliction of the afflicted, nor hid his face from him; but when he cried, he heard him. Psalms 22:24
My eternal God in this prayer of humiliation I place all my hopes solely in you who see everything and are always attentive. Thanks be to the God who listens to your people and is always willing to help those who seek him with all their heart. Surely the soul of those who turn to you, my God, is more firmly rooted in your kingdom.
So don't let me for some reason come to disconnect from you. Lord, who changes the lives of all those who accept you with all their hearts. I am just dust, but I feel your hand guiding me, I am nobody, but I feel Christ calling me. In this way his voice whispers in my ears and gives me a peace that no one is capable of giving.
That is why my heart opens to the Lord with this prayer of humiliation, because in this way I have a great refuge, my Christ and king. He is interceding for me and giving me his peace that makes me see differently at all times. God, strengthen me in your way and help me to live a meek life with humility and great humiliation before you because I do not want to be fake.
My God, holy and worthy of exaltation, take care of me, make me hear the Lord and may my meditation day and night be the Lord. May the cross of Christ be my reflection so that I may always have before my eyes the Lord and the entire process of salvation, which a miracle.
Holy God, I know that I do not approach You with hypocrisy of heart, but with this prayer of humiliation, I will thus find refuge from all the problems of life, not clinging to them. Praise be to Your name, my God, because knows our afflictions and the great difficulties we have in this land.
In this moment of humiliation I place myself in your hands with everything I have. Even though I am a weak and flawed person, the Lord has heard me and taken care of me.. Therefore, I will always have reasons to adore you and to further establish my feet on the path you have set for me to follow.
God, your word says that you never abandon the afflicted and that you hear their cry, that you do not close your ears, but are always open and patient. That is why I will always insist on this prayer of humiliation. Even though I have no merit before you, my God, I know that it is precisely you who lifts me up when I am down..
Holy God, I will not give up on You because You have taken care of me and answered my voice at the right time. So help me to see You more and more in my life. In this way, help me to take the steps so that I may one day be in the new world that You promised for everyone. That is why I end this prayer of humiliation by prostrating myself in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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