Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vanity, but humbly consider others better than yourselves. Philippians 2:3

My God and Father, my search for you in prayer of humility It is because you want to break all ties in the world of my life. So it gives me strength to continue in life even in the face of my personal struggles. So I will be a jewel that shines even in the face of the strongest fog. Forgive my sins, keep me from the evil one so that I can remain firm on your path.


Approaching you, my God, with this prayer of humility is because I want the defenses I impose to be shattered.. In this way, all pride is broken. Christ begins to dwell in the heart, transforming every being. That's why I surrender daily because I need your baptism of the Holy Spirit every day.

Santos Israel In this prayer of humility my desire is to be more like Christ. Because I know, dear Father, that Jesus Christ humbled himself, becoming man while being among men to show his love for humanity. Then I ask that you transform my life and take away from me everything that asks me to grow spiritually.


My God, when the Lord shatters my defenses, the Lord breaks them to make a new person. So in this prayer of humility my search is for the Lord to come and dwell in my heart. Forgive my sins Lord and help me to walk uprightly. Take away from me everything that is bad, that which harms my spiritual life.


My desire is to grow in grace so that your grace will shape my entire being and prepare me for the high. Although I know that I am not worthy, I trust entirely in the Grace of Christ that transformed my life. He answers my prayer that I may have the true understanding.

The Lord has always acted in the lives of all your servants in the past to transform them and prepare them to dwell with you. I believe this will happen in my life, so listen to this prayer of humility, not because I think I am humble, but because I want to be a person who fears you. God, I'm afraid of myself, because I know that inside there is nothing good. That's why I want my life to be changed for the honor and glory of your name, so that your deeds in my life will be a great testimony to others..

My God, I know that many people will not enter heaven due to pride, selfishness and because they often think they are too good for their works. I know that spiritual life goes much further than that, because the Lord weighs the reasons why actions are done. Therefore, in this prayer of humility I wish that the Lord places kindness in my heart, as well as love and compassion. In this way I will resemble Jesus Christ, the savior.

Help me to consider others better than myself so that I do not exalt myself for anything. In this prayer of humility I ask that you take away from me all pride for being a Christian or for anything else that hinders me. May your virtues of the Spirit come in the place of pride and selfishness to transform my life.

I put all my loved ones in this prayer so be with all those who heard your words through my lips. May the Holy Spirit act powerfully in your lives, transforming character and preparing everyone to dwell with Christ in the heavenly mansions.

I deliver this prayer of humility to you, at that moment there was this cry of mine and make me an abode for the love of yourself. May your name be exalted and magnified, O God, forever and ever. Accept this prayer of mine in the name of my beloved savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

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