…to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who through faith are protected by God’s power until the salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.1 Peter 1:4,5
Oh my God, what a privilege it is to be here with this prayer of the incorruptible inheritance, knowing that there is a kingdom prepared for all who love you. This is something unimaginable to human eyes, but the Lord promises and everything has its time. But before your eternal kingdom comes, may it be born in my heart right now.
Oh Father, I want to be among the winners because your promises in the Apocalypse are for the winners. So all those who remain until the end will be saved. So if the crown of life will be given to all who overcome I want to be in this group forever.
One day I will be in a new home, so I will continue my daily devotion with this prayer of the incorruptible inheritance. Surely one day there will be new heavens on the New Earth, and the most amazing thing will be that I will be there on that day. So my Father help me to be prepared for the return of Jesus.
In your eternal kingdom justice will dwell forever; there will be no more pain, death or suffering. There the saved will dwell forever in eternal happiness. Therefore I ask that the Lord help me embrace your promise until the end and not give up halfway.
In this prayer of the incorruptible inheritance I want to be waiting for your promises. Thus I will be with the patriarchs, prophets, and the saved of all times. So that great happiness will be when the great conflict is over and sin and sinners are no more.
I ask that the Lord answer my prayer for an incorruptible inheritance and save my family members who have not yet given their lives to you. But may the Lord also help those who have surrendered themselves to you to remain steadfast until the end so that their crown would not be lost. So lead us not into temptation.
My life is short here on this earth like all sinners, so do not allow me to cling to the treasures and pleasures of the earth. For a kingdom without corruption is being prepared for all the saints. So Those who remain faithful to your word until the end will have the crown of life.
Help me to feel safe by your side even when things seem to be going wrong. Then at that moment help me to hold on to the prayer of the incorruptible inheritance. So, I will look to the promises of Jesus to everyone who believes, which makes full delivery.
Father, although the enemy has much power, I have infinite power on my side. Because Jesus won on the cross and he has the power to save everyone who allows him to enter into life.
So I cling to my salvation by grace with this prayer of the incorruptible inheritance. In this way I want to pass, thanks to your mercy, through the gates of the holy city. Answer this prayer of mine in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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