And of his fullness have we all received, and grace for grace. John 1:16
The Lord is my God in whom I trust, that is why I seek you with this prayer of amazing grace. From you certainly came the power to overcome all evil that comes against me. Your power worked in the past and so it does great things in the present as well. So I fall on my knees and even prostrate myself before your infinite goodness and greatness.
I ask you to forgive me for my sins in words, actions and thoughts. Although I am unworthy to come before you, I know that Your wonderful grace drew me to the Lord. So I will always magnify the Lord in this land throughout my personal life. The Lord is great in power and majesty, so I will glorify your name.
Every day I wake up with your Holy Spirit and say this prayer of wonderful Grace. I receive from your fullness grace for grace every day because it renews itself in my life daily. Do not allow me to forget what you have done in my life until now. Help me always to keep in mind your faithful and true promises because in the Lord is the truth and life.
My joy is renewed daily, I feel a touch in my heart telling me that I must renew myself. Please, my God, do not let me forget all your wonderful deeds. My joy is unparalleled because when I look at what I have I see the Lord acting in each of the things I possess. That is why everything I have comes from you.
Beloved heavenly Father, in this prayer of wonderful Grace I surrender myself body and soul to You so that Your grace may dwell in me. So help me to be reborn every day, not to just survive, but to live eternal life in my heart. So Heaven will not be strange to me because it was already born here through your Holy Spirit.
Here is my home from where I am praying at this moment for spiritual renewal. I know that The Lord sends His holy angels to be around me. In this way the enemy's arrows will not reach me. The enemy's bonds will not prevail over my life because your power is infinitely superior to anything.
Me I feel my soul being restored and the power of the Holy Spirit taking over me every time I seek you with this prayer of wonderful Grace. Jesus died to save my life and that is why I am here. May I speak of this wonderful grace to everyone around me.
I am grateful that it is the Lord who helps me to have true fear. Yes I will honor you by giving true worship with the spirit of gratitude. I know that Christ Jesus on the cross of Calvary is the extreme of what the Lord could do to save human beings.
My Father, it was good to seek you with this prayer of wonderful Grace. Because I know that your eternal Gift came from your Son Jesus, it is certainly the most extreme of what the Lord could do. Thus the Lord preserved the honor of his law and, on top of that, saved the sinner.. I ask everything in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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