Prayer of the grace of Christ

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,Titus 2:11

Sir in this prayer of the grace of Christ I want to stand firm in faith and always look up. My trust is only in Jesus, he is my song of salvation. That is why I want to be with you in all moments of investigation. Forgive me, my God, for my sins.


Help me to always be in the grace of Jesus, for he saved me from the power of darkness and brought me into his wonderful light. So my God, help me to be grounded in this wonderful grace in my life. May I am always firm in your eternal and true promises.

Great joy is in those who seek you with the prayer of the grace of Christ, for in him all who come near will be safe. O my God, it is always good to know that I have an intercessor who changes the human heart through a great work. Therefore, my life depends solely on the source of eternal grace.


Lord God, once again I ask you not to let me lose heart on this earthly journey because without you there is no way to move forward. Help me not to put myself at the center of everything, but for the love of Jesus always do good to others.


My Father, I do not want to be full of myself, but of Jesus at all times. That is why I cling to this prayer for the grace of Christ, placing myself in your hands. Certainly the wonderful grace of Jesus found me and saved me. And when Jesus meets the human being he does the most beautiful work.

Therefore I do not want to stray from the only path that leads me to salvation. In this way I will not go down the path of perdition, but I will live by faith, believing in the truth that transforms the whole heart. So do not allow the things of the world to cloud my vision of heavenly things, so I will keep the hope in your promises.

I do not seek you with this prayer of the Grace of Christ in vain, but because the Lord has promised power to all those who give their lives to you. Without a doubt, you always fulfill what you promise. So I cling to you. the saving grace of God that has been manifested to all men.

It is so good to know that my prayer is not in vain, but that the Lord answers according to what is best for me. Although it is not easy to wait for some of my requests, I know that the right time will come. Help me to be an instrument of Jesus to the world so that I may be a channel of blessing..

So, my God, visit each person who needs you at this moment, answer this prayer of the Grace of Christ and support everyone. If suddenly I stray onto crooked paths, May your Holy Spirit whisper in my ear the right way to go.

I give everything I am and have to the Lord, may He always act in my life, help me to feel Your comforting embrace. I ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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