For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; Ephesians 2:8
I thank you, my God and eternal King, because I am here addressing you with this prayer of grace. Knowing that all blessings are granted to those who believe, not only believe, but live a faith that is truly practical for life. In this way, the whole being is transformed, changing behavior, where actions are results of grace at work.
In the grace of Jesus is my trust, where I place my faith entirely. So I know that at all times I can trust in Prince Emmanuel, my Jesus, God with us.. There is my forgiveness, so my prayer for grace has great foundation.
God, my sins have been cast into the depths of the sea every time I repent and confess them, asking for forgiveness. Help me to feel your presence more and more, because without it my life has no meaning. I thank you because you have heard me in my moments of crying and anguish, in that dark moment when there seemed to be no hope for me. So Your grace reached me, took me to your throne, where Jesus is interceding for me.
My prayer of grace makes me see what I am unable to see with my human eyes. Then the Lord makes me see the great spiritual battle for my soul. Where Your angels, Lord, fight for my salvation and the angels of the enemy fight for my destruction. Then I ask you to give me more faith to face the enemy.
I want to give my life in this prayer of grace so that I may feel your presence in my heart, seeing the enormous changes that are taking place in my life. My God, even in the face of so many adverse circumstances, I know that the Lord has guided me.. The powerful change that the Lord is working in my life is for eternity.
Eternal life will be granted to all those who believe in your promise even in the most difficult situations. This will be possible, my God, when our faith is tested and becomes stronger than steel. Then, guide my life and help me make the best decisions so that my happiness is for the right reasons.
So, may this prayer of Grace rise up to your throne of grace and may the Lord answer me according to your kindness and mercy. I know that my prayer will not create a change in the Lord. However, as we insist on praying to you, the Lord changes our hearts. We are completely dependent on you, as you are the source of life that permeates this entire universe.
Your wonderful grace transformed addicts into good people, changed the minds of people who seemed hopeless. It transformed the hearts of those who had no hope. That's because wherever the Lord touches, there is change. There is no one who is not touched when they have a date with you..
In this prayer of grace I have living hope and faith that everything will work out in the end, but this starts today in my life. I will always see the light not only at the end of the tunnel, but in each step in the darkness of the chaos of the earth. One day my morning will be glorious because I trusted in you with all my strength. I place everything at the foot of the cross, for Jesus. Amen!
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