Prayer for strength in trials

 Because you have kept my word of exhortation to perseverance, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Revelation 3:10

Dear God, I am here once again seeking you with this prayer for strength in trials. The Lord has always promised to be with us even in the face of life's greatest difficulties. In the same way, Christ himself said that he would be with us until the end of the age.


Holy Father, I want to always keep your word of exhortation to keep me persevering in faith until the end of my life. That's why I seek you daily because the Lord gives me  restoration and spiritual renewal to move forward. Don't lead me into temptation, deliver me from evil.

Just like the apostles, I want to remain firm, seeking you in this prayer for strength in trials. Because it was precisely because films were kept at all times that many were able to give their lives. So help me be prepared like they were, loving the Lord until the end.


I know that I can't see everything that is inside me, but the Lord knows. Then purify me and my sins, change my mind and my heart. Like this Your grace will be abundant in my life and many will realize what Jesus can do when He allows Him to enter.


Father, help me to remain firm, have perseverance in praying for strength in trials, but keep me in times of trials, the worst possible ones that I will go through in this world. Including help me see the details that are important for my spiritual growth. So prepare me for your kingdom, save my family.

One day I know that the greatest trial of all will come upon the world. But for that I need to prepare myself today so as not to deny him at this moment. So take away from me everything that is selfishness and pride. So I will empty myself of myself May the Lord dwell in my heart completely.

I want the baptism of the Holy Spirit, so I will firm myself by seeking you with this prayer of strength in trials. This way, my God, I will have all the power I need to overcome the power of darkness. So I won't give up even if the skies are falling.

O my God, without your help I will be like the lost, but I will not turn back because I trust in you. So I won't give up because I have the greatest power of all on my side. That's why I want dwell in me with your peace and may this peace be upon my entire family.

If by chance I get discouraged, at some point come to me and help me get back to where I left off. Even though I am just dust, the Lord looks at me as if I were the only person on this earth. This because each person is special and unique to you, so I will cling to seeking you with this prayer of strength in the ordeal.

Do in me every work that you want and help me to be filled with the grace of your salvation forever. I end this prayer by asking for everything in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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