Prayer of operative faith

But someone will say, “You have faith; I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by works. James 2:18

My God, I address you with this prayer of operative faith because I know, dear God, that I must continue obeying you. Although, my God, I know that my works are like filthy rags, not obtaining justification of themselves, I do them out of love for the Lord. I know, my holy God, that the righteous live by faith, but if that faith is not operative through works there is something wrong with it. So I want to move forward, live a life of obedience to your sacred word, not making excuses. So now forgive my sins, strengthen my soul and help me to walk uprightly in your path.


When I turn to you, Lord God, with this prayer of operative faith, it is because I do not want to make excuses to live according to my will. So deliver me in spite of myself because I am weak and a sinful person. May this prayer of mine ascend to your throne of grace and the Lord answer according to your will Holy Father, seeing the my fight. I know that I am not a person worthy of your grace, but it reached me one day touching my heart, saying: son this is the path walk it.

Saint of Israel, all actions that pass through the human channel end up being tainted by the earthly odor. Then all of them must purify through the blood of Christ shed the Calvary thing to come up to you as a sweet aroma. That is why I present to you this prayer of operative faith. Surely I don't want to live a Christian life just for the expense I want to feel your power to perform a miracle in my life.


Just as the apostles moved forward by the power of your holy Spirit, so will I. Therefore, the Lord sanctifies my life by guarding me from evil and protecting me from the fiery darts of the enemy. Hear, O Father, from heaven, this prayer of mine of working faith and help me to be that object of salvation for all the human beings who were around me.


Cleanse my heart of everything that is evil, take away from me everything that is selfishness and pride and cleanse my soul of what is evil. I know that my best actions will not be enough to reach heaven. That's why I practice my works believing that it is precisely through faith in Christ's sacrifice that I will be in eternal mansions.

O God, how good it is to know that the Lord hears the prayer of active faith. May both my words, actions and even thoughts be sanctified and purified through your life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. Without a doubt, my God, all those who truly recognize your greatness and live according to your will, the Lord has blessings without measure for each one.

That's why purify my lips from everything I say so that I speak what is right, my ears so that I hear what is honest. This way I will be able to give a good testimony because of your love and mercy in my life.

Hear this prayer of mine of operative faith and help me to never think that my works are what make me reach heaven. But also help me to understand that everyone saved lives a life of obedience through faith in Christ. I thank you for all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen!