Prayer of faith

Preserving faith and a good conscience, which some, rejecting, have made shipwreck of their faith. 1 Timothy 1:19

My God in heaven this prayer of faith It is because I believe that if I do not cling to you I will not be among the saved in a new heaven and a new earth. That is why I seek you because you are the meaning of my life and of all the universes. Who would I be without you? So help me to keep the faith like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the patriarchs and prophets who remained faithful.


Lord God, forgive my sins and strengthen my faith daily so that I may walk firmly towards your kingdom. Do not allow shadows to come and envelop my life and make me forget all your deeds. I know that The Lord cares about every detail of my life and that's why He always tries to guide me to the best decisions..

This prayer of faith is my response to what Christ did for me on the cross of Calvary. For there he was shedding his blood to save my life and give me a new opportunity. Then my arm reaches out to accept your saving grace to mankind. That's why I made this decision, because the Lord first touched me and I accepted.


So, my God, you have led me to the path of light and truth. rest. So help me to keep myself in good conscience so that I do not stray from the path of truth. Do not let me feel that I am too secure, stuck in my own ideas, but that I may cling to the Lord who saved me through your Son Jesus.


So I will not stop clinging to you with this prayer of faith, in this way I will be firm in the eternal purpose even if things go wrong. I do not want to live by what I see, but to see what is clear enough for me to move forward.

I thank you, my God and Father, for this I ask forgiveness for my sins and those of each loved one. Help each of them to accept your saving grace which has been manifested to all men. Help them seize the unique opportunity that is given to them at this moment before their life is cut short by any situation.

Hear this my prayer of faith and help me to keep the firm faith of my fathers of old. Then confirm in me your eternal ideals. How good it is to cling to you and know that the Lord always has his hand outstretched to help us in the face of so many problems.

I will not reject your truth, making shipwreck of faith as many have done. This is not self-confidence, but recognition that by your side we have all the power at our disposal.

Praise be to your name for my existence and for caring about all sinners by loving us until the end. I give thanks to Jesus Christ for dying for me and now I can cling by faith to his merits of righteousness and claim them as my own. I thank you for this opportunity in the name of your beloved Jesus Christ. Amen!

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