Eternity Prayer

But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom, and possess it forever and ever, and from everlasting to everlasting. Daniel 7:18

Oh my God how good it is to seek the Lord in this eternity prayer recognizing that the Lord will fulfill his promise in my life and in the lives of all those who believed. Sometimes when I look at the promises of the new heaven and the new earth it seems like a dream, a fiction. However, a reality that even if it is not tangible, it is full and the Lord will always fulfill his promises because they are faithful and transformative.


When I look at what you promised, I seek you in this prayer of eternity. As your word already speaks the Lord placed eternity in the heart of man, so man knows that the only one who can fill that void is the Lord. Forgive my sins, help me to look high, because one day when Christ returns I will also be looking high. Then the Lord will take everyone resurrected to the heavenly mansions. My God, when I look at myself I don't see hope but when I look at Christ I don't see how to lose myself.

This passage from this verse from Daniel is to show that despite all the sufferings and problems of the earth, its saints will possess the kingdom. It seems difficult and it really is to human eyes, but when we look at the cross of Calvary I see hope. The death and resurrection of Christ is hope for all who believe. Therefore, even those who are in the grave, but embrace your promise will be resurrected to live eternal life in the new Heaven and the New Earth.


My eternity prayer is full of meaning because I know that death, pain and all kinds of suffering will one day come to an end. Obviously the enemy will be destroyed and evil will cease to exist on planet Earth in the entire universe. So what seemed to be bad at the beginning, the Lord turned into a blessing because you are an expert in that. O God, do not allow the pleasures of the world to fill my eyes, but may I wish to contemplate the beauty of your holiness.


So let the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes and the pride of life not be part of my life. But may the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, perform a miracle in my heart. I surrender my mind to the Lord and may Christ be my mediator day and night. May I be able to contemplate him on the cross of Calvary, extending his hands to save my life even though I don't deserve it. Help me understand that my prayers are only answered according to your will. So I want to have more trust in your providence in daily prayers.

In this prayer of eternity I place my father, my mother and my brothers and also friends in your hands. Take care of each one of them, my God, because I want to be in the garden that day and know that they are there with me. But before I see all my loved ones around I want to see my savior first. When I pass through the portals of the city of Santa I will see all those saved. Shortly thereafter I want to throw the crown that the Lord will give me at the feet of Jesus my savior, kneel and thank him for everything he has done for me.

So, my dear Father, take care of me, my family and help your messengers to announce your gospel in the world. Touch each heart so that I can see something beyond the things of this limited earth. May my poetry be meditating on Christ. May my poetry be talking about Jesus. Because nothing is as beautiful as my savior, that's why every drop of blood on the cross is an eternal purpose.

I present this eternity prayer of mine in your hands, consider it right now and continue the work you began to do in my life, because I know that the Lord leaves nothing half done. All this I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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