Prayer for the surrender of life

All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.John 6:37

My beloved God and good Father, I thank you for this opportunity to prayer of surrender of life. Because my life depends on you, who are the source that feeds all living beings. Great peace is found by those who surrender themselves to the Lord who sees everything.


Lord God, I know that you are there and that you care about every situation that happens in my life. Although I have no way of repaying anything that you do for me, I give everything that I have in my life to you. So take it into your hands. do in me everything that the Lord desires.

This prayer of mine in surrendering my life is because I desire to be a transformed person. In this way I will live for you, worshiping you in the beauty of your holiness. Although the situation in this life is not easy, do not allow me to make excuses to live the way I think is best. The Lord is God who guards the lives of all who surrender to you.


Dear Lord, when everything seems lost and things seem to have no solution, I look to you, for I have help. I give my mind into your hands so that you can take away the sadness and anguish of my soul. So I will set my steps on smooth ground because I trust in you, clinging to your promises..


I surrender everything I have and who I am into your hands, that is why I seek you with this prayer of surrender of life. Certainly everything that the Lord touches turns into something good, because your action in my life is full of kindness. I thank you for listening to me, for my beloved savior who suffered for me on the cross.

Dear Father, You know what is inside me. Help me to surrender my life to You and live each day as if it were my last. This way, I will not put off until tomorrow what I need to do today. In this way, I consecrate myself to the Lord without excuses, being a complete surrender.

Do your great work in me, hear this prayer of surrender of life and give me power to overcome the evil one. Father of justice, help me to raise my hands and accept the justice of Jesus, for he suffered on Calvary to give me eternal life. So I stand firm on the path towards the promised land that you promised to those who love you,

Only by your side do I have the security and strength to give what I have. So don't let me cling to this world like Lot's wife who turned into a pillar of salt. Keep me in your eternal purpose and illuminate my face so that I may shine for you. God, I know that I can't achieve anything without you, because of that I seek you intensely.

There is nothing compared to your love, there is nothing compared to your power, that is why I seek you with this prayer of surrender of life. I cling to the Lord, I raise your flag, because The Lord changed my life and showed me its true meaning.

Fulfill in me everything that you want, strengthen my faith to the point of giving up what I have even in difficult times. Then help me to make the sacrifices that I cling to. I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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