The steps of man are directed by the Lord; how then can a man understand his way? Proverbs 20:24
Lord God, I am here at this moment seeking you with this prayer of direction. Since I recognize your greatness, there is no way I can leave you aside. Since you are the center of all things, everything exists because of you. So I will not abandon you because your Spirit is with me.
Dear God, forgive my sins and direct me according to your will. In this way my spirit will not be disturbed by a wrong decision. Although I am nothing before you, Christ, he died for me, seeing great value in me.
By your side I seek joy, peace and happiness, because only your Holy Spirit regenerates us for eternal life. Hear this prayer of direction and lead me towards a safe harbor. I can only understand my path if the Lord is my daily instruction., O God who welcomed me. Before you I place my hopes because in you is my confidence that they will be fulfilled.
Everything certainly happens in its own time, but Lord, I need you now, you know how my situation is. Comfort me, even in the face of the scorching sun or the dark cloud of life. In you my life is satisfied, feel comfort and guide always full of calm. With this prayer of direction I place myself in your hands of calm because God has been great in my life.
O my God, your help makes me cling to you even more because my experience with you grows and I become alive. I I will firm my steps in your path, strengthening myself in faith and establishing myself in your kingdom of grace and soon that of glory.. It is from you that the miracles because the gift of life comes from the Lord.
Man's ways are not your ways, so each one ends up having the end they sought because they seek arguments in their own vain ideas. So I come to Lord who knows all things and who establishes the steps of all those who believe. Come to me, seek me, take me to your holy presence.
God, in this prayer of direction I bow before you because in the Lord I have the strength to face the bad days. How can I move forward when my life is so full of problems that I think about giving up? It calls me to give up halfway, but I remember Lord, who sees everything and helps me with your faithful help.
I soon see that it is not safe to lose trust in you, because you help me at all times, even in the moment of my pain he is with me, giving me strength. On the pilgrim's path I will continue to walk, but no longer as a pilgrim who goes everywhere except to the heavenly Canaan.
I know you are listening to this prayer of direction because it is the Lord who directs my steps towards the promised land. So I I will one day be in the eternal kingdom where justice and eternal peace dwell. I end this prayer asking you to answer in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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