Prayer of determination

Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be put to shame. Therefore I have set my face like a stone, and I know that I will not be put to shame. Isaiah 50:7

My God and Father, your Spirit encourages me to seek you in this prayer of determination because in you I am regenerated for battles with the enemy. In this way I have placed myself before you so that I can feel your transforming power that strengthens my faith every day. Surely all those who cling to you will be helped to stand in the face of daily trials.


I know I fail easily, so I remember the prayer of determination. Just as the apostles were determined to follow your path, I will also be determined to continue following your gospel. Although I am not a deserving person, I can hold on to your helping hands. This way I will feel comfort in the middle of the road of pain. Sometimes the discouragement for the journey was strong, but I continued persevering, but I clung to the prayer of the combat of faith.

Surely, my God, discouragement will appear in my life, so the desire to do spiritual things will diminish, however, I don't want to depend on motivation to act. But rather act despite discouragement. That's why this prayer of determination is a way to reinvigorate me for life's struggles. Every Christian who does not watch, saying his personal prayers with firmness of purpose will be without security. So help me not to be a selfish and proud person, so that I don't think I'm too strong. I know that you will never abandon me, that's why my life has become attached to the Lord God who sees everything.


Hear, my God, this prayer of determination so that I may exult in the Lord of Israel. May my determination be continuous and persevering so that I do not give up on my focus and objective. In this way, the soul will rest in you, taking firm steps towards the promised land. May the furnaces of life not come to terrify me and bring me down, but may I cling to you, the God of hope. The Lord never abandons his servants, no matter how much bad situations in life seem to say otherwise. In this prayer of determination is my trust in you, Lord, because your mercy endures forever.


My determination comes because of the faith that the Lord worked in me, so I believe and trust in your promises because you can perform enormous miracles in my life. The determination I have is not based on blind faith, but because the Lord has enough evidence for me to believe. In this way, my God, I will approach you through contemplation

My God, a day in your courts is worth more than there in the world, what is life worth without the Lord, what is worth anything on this earth without it being at the center of your will. At your feet is the best place I can be, so this prayer of determination takes my heart to you. In you is my salvation because Jesus died to save me and today I can fight with the Lord who is a source of power. May all my loved ones desire the center of your will, because then they will be in the best place in the world.

What is the point of life without the Lord, walking without the true God worthy of being praised? I am here placing myself in your hands in recognition that my life is in the eternal Father of love and compassion. My prayer of determination is in you, because I recognize that I am in the center of truth, where my life tends to go beyond what many can imagine here on this earth, my God and Father.

May the Lord be praised forever and ever, and may people come to praise you after they recognize your greatness, may the downcast come to find strength in you. In the same way, may everyone who looks to you, recognizing their sins and confessing to you, abandoning the old life be saved. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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