Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established. Proverbs 16:3
My great God, this prayer of dedication It is because I will dedicate my life into your hands. I want to be changed into a new person and be prepared for heaven. Only the Lord has the power to change a person's life forever. So take my life into your hands, forgive my sins and strengthen my faith.
I need you at all times because you are a powerful God, a great and beloved Father. So I give what I have into your hands so that everything is only under your control. I know that life is difficult, so I don't want the Lord to be left out of my purposes and dreams.
I will continue to seek you. With this prayer of dedication, because in the Lord I have refuge and full strength. By dedicating myself to you, I draw joy from sadness, strength from where I have no vigor. Life only has meaning in your hands. the Lord is my guide, a powerful God who wants to live in my heart.
Only the Lord is a blessed God, so I trust completely in what He will do with me. So I completely surrender my life so that the Lord can do with it what He thinks is best. In this way I will grow in Grace by virtue of the power of Your Holy Spirit. I will dedicate myself to You always because my trust is in the power that the Lord has to save.
Help me to steady my steps and always fulfill my vows before your presence. I certainly have peace because I seek you with this prayer of dedication, knowing that the Grace of Christ is enough for me. I do not want to be trapped in myself and in the problems of life because the Lord is with me. No matter how expensive my dedication may be, it is worth it because the Lord is with me, keeping me safe..
The Lord is my light and my refuge in all moments of my life because the Lord is God blessed forever. So He always has a solution to help His children and bring them to a place of rest. I also dedicate my home to your altar so that your blessing rest upon my family.
Your light from heaven is profound, it takes away the darkness from every dark place. So I seek you with this prayer of dedication so that the light from heaven may enter my home and shine brightly. In this way, my life will rejoice in you more and more. May my love for you increase in my life through the action of the Holy Spirit.. Thus great wonders will happen in my home and in me as a person.
I dedicate my life to you because I trust in the Lord. With the Lord by my side, your blessings will surely abound upon me. But I desire that everything be for the honor and glory of your name. Cleanse my heart and help me to be stronger each day by your side under your fatherly care..
Great Father, how good it is to always be by your side so that this always will be for eternity. I accept my requests and thanks in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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