Be vigilant, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13
Lord my God and Father, before You I bow with this prayer for courage and strength. I can only trust in the Lord to do great things in my life. The struggles of this life are difficult and sometimes tend to lead people to despair. Forgive my sins of this day and help me not to lose heart when faced with trials.
I recognize my need for you because only in the Lord can I have what I need to move forward with all my strength. So come and live in me so that I may have the courage to face the enemy. My strength comes only from you, so I trust that I will win because Christ won for me on the cross of Calvary.
I place my life entirely in your hands, my search for you with this prayer of courage and strength is to keep me firm in faith. In the face of life's despair, the only channel of refuge is Jesus Christ, my beloved Savior. So when everyone abandons me I know where I can get the courage and strength to carry on.
Help me to keep my mind focused on the Lord and not on my problems. This way my mind will understand daily that my victory has already been given. Then I will take possession of the blessing that has already been released to me. I know that sometimes we settle for the crumbs but I want everything the Lord has in store for me.
I place this prayer of courage and strength on your altar. Then may it rise like a sweet aroma mixed with the merits of Christ to be accepted by you. That is why I seek you daily because the center of hope in any part of the universe is the Lord.
Through Christ I obtain all the blessings released to me. Thus I have the power to pass through any storm. In this way even if my flesh perishes my soul will be kept by you. That part the enemy will not touch because is protected by the Holy Spirit.
I am grateful for this opportunity to pray the prayer of courage and strength. I believe in that verse in the Bible in Thessalonians chapter 5 that says to pray without ceasing. So my prayerwill be answered in my daily life. Thus I will be feeding myself daily on your word.
Surely my hopes are in the Lord, and I cast my expectations before you. So I will keep myself in holiness and I will follow firmly towards the target of hope. I trust in you, if by chance I stray, put me back on your path.
O my God, I know that grace comes only from you through Jesus Christ. In your Son I place my hope, my faith is in the mighty Son of God. Your hands brought everything into existence, That's why I cling to the Lord with this prayer of courage and strength.
Without the Lord no one would be saved, but I cling to the grace of Christ who saved me and freed me from eternal perdition. I place my entire life in your hands so that you can change everything that needs to be changed, my Father. My hopes come from Jesus who came into the world and showed your love for human beings.
I end this prayer, my Father, thanking you for the opportunity of life and for the hope that you have placed in me. Accept my cry in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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