And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and it was very calm. Mark 4:39
My God in this prayer of calm I place my burdens on my beloved savior Jesus Christ. Once he was in the boat where the sea was rough, he was sleeping, he woke up with a cry from the apostles and calmed everything. So also come and calm my life from the evils and problems that happen.
I am here because I am one of the servants who firmly desires to continue on the path of truth. So do not allow error to come and haunt me, taking away my peace of mind. Therefore, I will stand firm in faith every day because your Holy Spirit is with me giving me strength and power.
When I seek you with this prayer of calm I feel great joy in my heart because your Holy Spirit shines in it. Then Christ dwells and makes great transformations in my whole being. That is why your grace illuminates the darkness because darkness cannot prevail against the light.
So I thank you because you are the one who saves me, strengthens me and guides me on your path of peace and joy. I know that the world is dark, and often tries to divert me from your truth. But the Lord lays his hand upon me and says: this is his way, walk in it.
So come to me at this moment once again, help me hear your voice and accept your call. In this prayer of calm I want you to Lord come calm my spirit of contention, difficulty, the problems that plague me, the debts and all the other unpleasant things.
It is good to be with the Lord who created everything and who hears us when we cry out to you. In this way, we cannot help but worship you, because you always have your hand raised. the Lord is a compassionate God to help.
Eternal God, calm my heart, and also remove all anxiety that exists in my home. Surely You know how the enemy works to destabilize the family, to hurt Your heart and at the same time destroy human beings. So keep me in the calm of peace of mind where your presence illuminates everything and makes us see things differently.
That's why I praise the Lord for the opportunity to be here with this prayer of calm. Take the storms out of my life and take away all the anxiety that plagues me.
Calm my whole being when the impact of news shakes me. Help me walk on the tide of calm because there I will be firm in Christ. So I can grow spiritually for the honor and glory of your holy and great name. Help me to overcome the spiritual battles and have peace even in the face of problems.
The Lord God the Holy One, who answers our prayer according to your kind will. Therefore, forgive my sins, strengthening my faith, and if suddenly I sin against you May the Lord come to me and reassure me with your restorative forgiveness. That is why this prayer of calm is because the Holy Spirit touched my heart and helped me now at this moment to get closer to you.
I place my requests and thanks in your hands, Most High, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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