Prayer of genuine search

It is better to seek refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.Psalms 118:9

My Father of lights, of refuge and of my trust, in this prayer of genuine search I want to remain persevering. Thus I grow in grace with the baptism of your Holy Spirit all the days of my life. I thank you because the Lord offers me refuge and strength in the face of daily struggles.


Only in the Lord do I have a true incentive to keep me in the safe shelter. Lord, you know my sincerity in pouring out my supplications on your altar. Because I recognize your greatness and your infinite love for human beings. The Lord never abandons those who place their lives in your hands..

I entrust myself into your hands with this prayer of genuine search because I have faith and trust in you. That's why I will remain like a burning fire because Jesus Christ sustains me at all times. Your grace is sufficient for me because your power is made perfect in human weakness. Then I trust you for every decision and for every deliverance in my life.


God, the Lord knows my Father, that in this world there are great afflictions, I trust in Christ who overcame the world. So come to me with your restorative power and help me seek refuge in your welcoming arms. Thus I will remain in the intense search for you and I will be firm in your word.


I confess to you my sins, all my faults in this prayer of genuine search. I thank you in advance for your forgiveness and for never abandoning me when I fail. I will certainly trust you at all times, the Lord has kept your servants of the past and also keeps those of the present.

Just as the psalmist did not trust princes, I will not trust man when I need something beyond what he can offer. But in the Lord I have everything I need because the Lord is a source of light, power and hope. The Lord revive our entire being and strengthen us in your eternal path.

This prayer of genuine search of mine is not just a ritual, but a true delivery of someone who has a passion for Christ. So come and surround me with your grace and help me to always perseveringly seek you. If by chance I take a step down in faith, help me take more steps forward again.

I will follow you wherever you send me, I trust myself saying these things, trusting in your sustaining power. Guard my home from the power of the enemy and keep us with genuine faith. Do not allow me to focus on the things of the present, but let me look to your future promise.

I look to the things to come, daily I will steady myself with this prayer of daily search. Because I know that all power to stand firm comes from you. Then take away all self-confidence from me and that my mind does not seek disturbing evils.

I end this prayer by praising you, and magnifying your name because the Lord is worthy because of your power and greatness. Only the Lord is righteous, holy and just. I place this prayer in your hands before your will in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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