Search Prayer

Seek the Lord while he can be found, call upon him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6

Beloved Father, early in the morning, in the afternoon at night I call upon you, with prayer in search because only the Lord is God. Being the compassionate and loving Lord Jesus, he cares about me and everyone on earth. The Lord is the one who makes me lift up my face and look at you who shines like the Sun of justice and strengthens every part of my body. Your promises are faithful and enabling. I depend solely on you to move forward in my life and have what my soul seeks.


My God, I say this prayer of search and I find you, because I know that you are there at that moment listening to me, listening to my prayer. Forgive my faults Father, take away my sin and strengthen my spiritual life. My God, I know that soon everything will be over, this verse shows that seeking the Lord while he can be found. So God I seek you, because the door of Grace, of mercy is close to the human being. That's why I do prayer of waiting, to pick you up and wait for everything in its own time.

I want Jesus to shine in my life at all times. I want to witness by speaking, no matter where I am. Lord God, beloved Heavenly Father, make my life a new life through the Holy Spirit. I know, my dear God, that the Lord tells us to seek you. But in reality it was the Lord who came to us first, it is always the Lord who takes the first step. It was like this in Eden when they hid because they had sinned, the Lord followed. Father come help me see your voice in the morning, afternoon and night.

Oração da busca

Lord, I come before you with this prayer of seeking, because the Lord is everything in my life. It is the Lord who will always be a human being, touching your heart, saying: Behold, I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his house and dine with him and he with me. Revelation 3:20.


I call on you because the Lord is close to me. I know you're by my side when I'm down. I know that you send your holy angels to help me in times of distress. Touch the Holy Spirit on my heart when I am about to make important decisions

Be dear God my daily portion so that I can face the fiery darts of the enemy. Be the Lord of success in my life, helping me face each battle the enemy.

Make me what you want, even if the process is painful for me. I turn to you with this prayer of search, because I know that you will always hear me, never remain silent.

I don't want to look for you only in moments of problems in my life, but when I have a problem I won't stop looking for you. I look for you today because I have faith and I want to be a better person, Sir. I want to be more like my beloved Jesus who died for me on a cross. Now I see the result, I'm here praying to you. Save me and my family for your kingdom, Jesus Christ forever, amen!

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