The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He protects those who trust in him,Nahum 1:7
Holy God, if there is one thing I recognize in this prayer of supreme goodness It is your greatness. Without your help, how could a sinner be saved? Never! But the Lord acts in a way that everything around is changed by your powerful touch in the life of every person on earth. However, not everyone will accept what you want for their lives.
My God, help me to see your goodness even when everything seems confusing and strange because many times things are too difficult. But I know that you act in each one of them and strengthen the faith of all those who accept your call of faith. Help me not to look upon you with fear, but to seek you as this prayer of supreme goodness. Help me to be sealed for eternal life in total obedience.
Don't let the enemy, my God, put in my head that my situation is hopeless. or that the Lord stopped looking at me because of a mistake I made. But I know, dear Father, that this feeling of abandonment does not come from you but from the enemy who wants to destroy my life.
So help me see as it is written in Psalm 139:5 “You hem me in behind and before and lay your hand upon me“. That these verses, dear God, are not a mirage or a hallucination, but an eternal truth. So I will continue to seek you with the prayer of supreme goodness. This truth is so tremendous that even at the baptism of Christ the Lord said.”This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.“.
Help me not to lose sight of the Lord but to always accept your forgiveness. He will guide me because He has only stated that He will be with us every day until the end of time. Just as Peter, when he was drowning in the water, asked for my salvation, I also promptly ask for help.
I know that regardless of what human beings do, God is good and loves everyone. So I ask that you touch the hearts of my family and friends and thus every person on this earth so that they recognize and surrender their lives into your hands while there is still opportunity. I thank you for your word in First Peter 4:8 which says, “love covers a multitude of sins“So help me to trust in that love and follow firm steps into eternity.
My God in heaven, in this prayer of supreme goodness I recognize that your goodness can never be questioned. This is because your goodness was manifested in Jesus Christ, my beloved Savior.
I thank you, my God, because you do not expect any reward from us. Although we are always accustomed to retribution, the Lord does not expect it from us. But his desire is that through your goodness manifested to the world through Jesus we surrender our lives to you. At this moment I surrender my life to my beloved Savior.
Hear this prayer, my God, help me always to look up and understand that the Lord is good to all, that He has tender mercies. Help me to look at all Your mercy that is noted in each of Your works. Then I want to be the blessed one who takes refuge in You. All this I only ask and I thank You in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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