Blessing Prayer

God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him. Psalms 67:7

Lord God, your blessings are wonderful for my life, each one of them is countless like sand in the sea. It goes from my breathing, the possibility of me getting up tomorrow, of resting at night and of being here seeking you, to obtain the power of the Holy Spirit of light. Forgive my sins and strengthen my faith, keep my life on a level path and place me in the high places where the Lord has a purpose in me and through me.


Holy righteous is the Lord, Holy and true, he who touches the human heart and brings out the power of darkness into his marvelous light. How kind you are, O God, how just and compassionate you are, you love humanity so deeply that Christ came to die for us while we were still sinners.

Relieve my soul through your presence of light, may your holiness cover me with outstretched wings like a bird guarding its young. Although, O God, I am unworthy and an unworthy person, I cling to the cross of Christ, I cling to all the merits of Calvary. The Lord promises that he will bless me and that all the ends of the earth will exalt you and fear you. That's because your blessings on a person's life are extraordinary.

I thank you, O Lord, for the gift of speech, for the gift of walking, for the gift of vision, for the privilege of simply raising my hand and being able to grasp something.. Even if one day I am left without one of these gifts, there is the supreme gift of salvation. This, O God, everyone has at their disposal, is simply a choice to live by faith today, of the grace so kindly given to human beings.


Yes, I accept, Divine Eternal Father, your wonderful grace in Christ Jesus, the giver of life and hope for all humanity. Bless me, bless my spouse, bless my children, bless my parents, bless my uncles, my grandparents, my brothers and my great friends. So I also ask the Lord to be a blessing to everyone I come into contact with.

I ask all this of you because I know, Father, that the Lord will always fulfill your part. I see social security in a lot of things that happened in my life, That's why I have the privilege of praying to you, of studying the Holy Bible and placing myself in your holy and beautiful hands..

I want one day, Lord God, to touch my most beautiful blessing, Jesus Christ, I want to touch your hands and say: I thank you for stretching her on a cross, and having nails driven into her hands to die for me, a sinner.. I am not worthy but the blessing of your grace has reached me, so help me Lord to live before the cross of Christ, sacrificing my own selfish will to do your will, do not lead me into temptation, may your blessing of protective guard be in these moments.

I am here, my heart is burning longing for your presence, it vibrates because without you I am nothing. Please, O Father, always touch my heart, call me closer, bring me close to you, and welcome me so that I can obtain your blessing at all times.. I ask and thank you for all these things in the name of the sweetest beloved Jesus Christ. Amen!

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