Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction, according to the prophecies already spoken about you, so that by them you may fight the good fight,1 Timothy 1:18

Eternal God, great is the Lord who is listening to this spiritual battle prayer. Surely the Lord cares about every detail of my life and is always ready to help me in the greatest difficulties. In reality, what is more for you, being a powerful God who knows all things?


I place my life before you so that you may do great things in it and through it. So forgive me, help me to always receive your daily blessings, strengthen me with your faithful right hand. My God, I am happy to seek you, I give thanks for all your deeds.

In this prayer of spiritual battle I surrender my life so that it may be guided by you. This way I will be even safer because The Lord is the one who transforms and molds me every day. Therefore I surrender myself to you alone. Give me the power of your Spirit so that I may win daily in my battles against Satan.


Before you is my faith, a faith that the Lord gave me. I thank you because in the enormous battles that I have had until now I have felt your holy and comforting presence. Give me strength when in the midst of battles I am powerless. Thus my spirit clings even more to the Lord who knows my needs.


How good it is to seek you, to cry out to you with this prayer of spiritual battle. This way I will have strength even when everything seems lost and beyond my strength. Then I remember that I have the Lord, so I have everything. Touch me and restore all my strength because the Lord is a mighty God.

God, I accept this advice that Paul gave to Timothy. In this way, I too will have a good spiritual fight. In this way, my God, the power of your Spirit will be taking over my life. Therefore I praise you, your grace is wonderful.

Father in heaven, help my entire family, help each one of them to see the Lord by their side. They need to see their salvation.

I desire that everyone around me recognize your greatness and your powerful hand acting in their lives. In this way, they will begin to pray the prayer of spiritual battle so that they may grow in grace and virtue. Give me restorative power when the heart is wounded, bleeding inside. So I will stay strong until the end.

Help me face my greatest fears. That way I will be better able to deal with other spiritual battles. Then in this battle I will speak like Paul: But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be disqualified.. 1 Corinthians 9:27

So my Father, be with me on every battlefield, I know that even if it doesn't seem like it, the Lord is watching everything. Here is my heart Father, take him into your mighty hands of compassion. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen!

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