Prayer of anguish

The wicked is ensnared in the transgression of his lips, but the righteous will come out of trouble.Proverbs 12:13

My God, I connect with you on this one prayer of anguish because I know that the Lord hears our prayers and knows our feelings and emotions at the moment. The difficulties that often seem to be beyond what I can bear. Although I know that the Lord never allows a person to go through trials beyond what they can bear. That's why I'm opening my heart to show how I am at the moment, so I need the Lord, my God and Father, to comfort me at all times.


O God, forgive my sins and encourage me again, hear this prayer of anguish and calm my troubled soul. Sometimes my mind is heavy due to life circumstances and problems that plague me. Many times, discouragement can hit so intensely that it seems like I don't know what to do anymore. But my situation changes when I look at you. So help me to always pray to the Lord with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my strength.

Eternal God, Holy and magnificent, I turn to you with this prayer of anguish because I do not want to be like the transgressors. That's why I always cry out to you because I don't want to live my life according to the world. However, I cling to the promise that the Lord will take away all the anguish from my heart and put courage in me.. Surely the Lord is the potter that transforms my entire being.


It is certainly good to seek you because when anxiety tries to torment the heart of human beings or the Lord refreshes the soul of the tired one who falls to his knees before you. So I don't simply seek you with the prayer of anguish, but I cry out intensely from the bottom of my soul. Help me to always see the cross of Christ before my eyes because I see my worth there when God became flesh and dwelt among us.


O my Father, please direct my steps away from transgression. So don't allow me to look at things that displease you. My God, how good it is to be by your side even though I know that I am a sinner and the Lord is eternal God. May transgression not be my path.  So too, may pride not enter my door and selfishness not come to take me away from you. So let peace, kindness, and humility, patience and mercy be part of my words, actions and thoughts.

Look at me in this prayer of anguish because the Lord knows what is deep in my soul and how it longs for you with all its strength. How many times have those who gave themselves to you been crying in the corners of their room when they suddenly felt relief in their hearts?. It was certainly the Lord touching the heart to remove anguish from the person's life. I know that although this does not seem to happen in everyone's life, in reality the Lord acts in the best way for the salvation of the soul.

I want to deliver this prayer of anguish into your hands so that the Lord will free me and also free your people. And that in the worst phases of life we can hand our lives over to you, understanding that The Lord is the one who comforts us in times of despair. Therefore, I totally surrender my heart in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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