Prayer of abundance

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10

As I wouldn't fail to do one prayer of abundance to you, my God, for everything you have granted me. Because your blessings are admirable, your deeds are tremendous. Strong in power you are, being an infinite God, forgiving and transforming the human being. So forgive my sins, cast everything into the depths of the sea, because the Lord says he will remember them no more.


It is good to present myself before you with the prayer of abundance because it is the recognition of your infinite greatness and continuous action in my life. I know, dear Father, that the sun rises for everyone, both good and bad, but those who follow you will live forever.. So I will continue to seek You, because the Lord is my infinite source of power.

The enemy, dear Father, comes like a thief to kill, steal and destroy. He even offers good things but with ruin afterwards. However, my God, Christ offers abundant life, even in the face of life's tribulations and difficulties. I prefer, dear Father, to be by your side than to live a shallow life on this earth. Because I desire to have true love, to have true kindness and to walk in the spirit of contentment and in prayer of gratitude.


My spirit of gratitude is expressed in this prayer of abundance. So I am a grateful person for food, drink, clothing, financial provision, and all the things that guide my life and godliness. Including, my God, all the deliverance that He has granted in my life. I will always feel the touch of your Holy Spirit in my heart, telling me the path I should follow.. I desire the path of abundance, because I want eternal life and I will have it because Jesus gave me my passport on the cross. So I took possession of this blessing that I had already been given.


Always be present in my life and never abandon me. This way I will feel your life-giving grace overflowing in abundance upon me. I will live your gospel as the apostles did, but I must always be before you so as not to stumble along the way.. So Father, I will remain faithful at all costs, regarding life itself. I will feel your whisper in my ears telling me that you love me, that you forgive me and that you give me the power to overcome evil.

So hear, my dear God, this prayer of abundance, for like the air I breathe, so are your provisions for my home. Furthermore, Father, I know that You look at me as if I were the only person on this earth, because that is how You see every human being.. That's why everyone is a unique jewel, so touch the heart of every person in this world so that they accept your grace.

I present this prayer of abundance to you because I am absolutely certain that the Lord is listening to me at this moment. So I also know that He will answer everything according to what is best for me. So save me and my family for your eternal kingdom. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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