Numbers 29 – Verses from Numbers 29 from the book of Numbers in the Bible.

Numbers 29 – Verses from Numbers 29 from the book of Numbers in the Bible.

1 “On the first day of the seventh month, call a holy assembly and do no work. On that day you will blow the trumpets.


2 As a pleasing aroma to the Lord, offer a burnt offering of one bull, one ram, and seven one-year-old lambs, all without blemish.

3 With the bull prepare a grain offering of three jars of the best flour mixed with oil; with the ram, two jugs;

4 and with each of the seven lambs, a jar.

5 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin, to make atonement for you,


6 in addition to the monthly and daily burnt offerings with the grain offerings and the water offerings, as prescribed. They are offerings prepared in the fire, with a pleasant aroma to the Lord.

7 “On the tenth day of this seventh month, convene a holy assembly. You will humble yourselves and do no work.

8 Present as a pleasing aroma to the Lord a burnt offering of a bull, a ram and seven lambs a year old, all without blemish.

9 With the bull prepare a grain offering of three jars of the best flour mixed with oil; with the ram, two jugs;

10 and with each of the seven lambs, a jar.

11 Also offer a goat as a sin offering, in addition to the sin offering to make atonement and the daily burnt offering with the grain offering and the food offerings.

12 “On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, call a holy assembly and do no work. Celebrate a feast to the Lord for seven days.

13 Present an offering prepared by fire, with a pleasing aroma to the Lord, a burnt offering of thirteen bulls, two rams and fourteen one-year-old lambs, all without blemish.

14 With each of the thirteen bulls prepare a grain offering of three jars of the best flour mixed with oil; with each of the rams, two jars;

15 and with each of the seven lambs, a jar.

16 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin, in addition to the daily burnt offering with the grain offering and the spill offering.

17 “On the second day prepare twelve bulls, two rams and fourteen one-year-old lambs, all without blemish.

18 From the bulls, rams, and lambs, prepare grain offerings and offerings according to the specified number.

19 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin, in addition to the daily burnt offering with the grain offering and the spill offering.

20 “On the third day prepare eleven bulls, two rams and fourteen one-year-old lambs, all without blemish.

21 From the bulls, rams, and lambs, prepare grain offerings and offerings according to the specified number.

22 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin, in addition to the daily burnt offering with the grain offering and the spill offering.

23 “On the fourth day prepare ten bulls, two rams and fourteen one-year-old lambs, all without blemish.

24 From the bulls, rams, and lambs, prepare grain offerings and offerings according to the specified number.

25 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin, in addition to the daily burnt offering with the grain offering and the spill offering.

26 “On the fifth day prepare nine bulls, two rams and fourteen one-year-old lambs, all without blemish.

27 From the bulls, rams, and lambs, prepare grain offerings and offerings according to the specified number.

28 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin, in addition to the daily burnt offering with the grain offering and the spill offering.

29 “On the sixth day prepare eight bulls, two rams and fourteen one-year-old lambs, all without blemish.

30 From the bulls, rams, and lambs, prepare grain offerings and offerings according to the specified number.

31 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin, in addition to the daily burnt offering with the grain offering and the spill offering.

32 “On the seventh day prepare seven bulls, two rams and fourteen one-year-old lambs, all without blemish.

33 From the bulls, rams, and lambs, prepare grain offerings and offerings according to the specified number.

34 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin, in addition to the daily burnt offering with the grain offering and the spill offering.

35 “On the eighth day call an assembly and do no work.

36 Present an offering prepared by fire, with a pleasing aroma to the Lord, a burnt offering of a bull, a ram and seven lambs a year old, all without blemish.

37 With the bull, the ram, and the lambs, prepare grain offerings and offerings according to the specified number.

38 Also offer a goat as a sacrifice for sin, in addition to the daily burnt offering with the grain offering and the spill offering.

39 “In addition to the vows you make and the freewill offerings, prepare these for the Lord at the feasts appointed for you: the burnt offerings, the grain offerings, the spill offerings and the fellowship offerings. “

40 And Moses communicated to the Israelites everything that the Lord had commanded him.