Memorize or Memorize the Bible? What's the difference?

Hello, my friend, my friend. What comes to mind when we talk about memorizing or memorizing the Bible?


This week someone left a comment on social media that motivated me to write this text. The statement she left was as follows:

“The Bible was not meant to be memorized, but to be understood.”

I could address this statement by asking two questions:

  1. Is it possible to understand without memorizing?
    Yes. This phenomenon is very common among students who learn the material in class, but forget it immediately afterwards, generating a waste of time and distrust in their own memorization capacity.
  2. Is it possible to memorize without understanding?
    Yes. This is the famous memorizing, where the person systematically repeats the same information without it having been properly understood.
    An example is when a person sings a song in another language without understanding what they are singing.

As you can see, in both cases memory is involved in the learning process. There is no learning without memory! There is no lasting learning without a strengthened memory!

Therefore, using memory intelligently is not a luxury, but a way to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure, the rework of having to go back to the Bible all the time to review important passages and, above all, the waste of time.


It is essential to understand that memorize the Bible It's different from memorizing the Bible. Memorizing is understanding and ensuring the formation of long-term memories.