Leviticus 27 – Verses from Leviticus 27 from the book of Leviticus in the Bible.

Leviticus 27 – Verses from Leviticus 27 of the book of Leviticus of the Bible.

1 The LORD also said to Moses:


2 “Say this to the Israelites: If anyone makes a special vow, dedicating people to the Lord, let him do it according to its due value;

3 assign to men between the ages of twenty and sixty the value of six hundred grams of silver, based on the standard weight of the sanctuary;

4 and, if it is a woman, give it the value of three hundred and sixty grams.

5 If it is someone between five and twenty years old, assign men the value of two hundred and forty grams and women the value of one hundred and twenty grams.


6 If it is someone between one month and five years old, assign the boys the value of sixty grams of silver and the girls the value of thirty-six grams of silver.

7 If it is someone aged sixty or over, assign men the value of one hundred and eighty grams and women the value of one hundred and twenty grams.

8 If the person making the vow is too poor to pay the specified amount, he will present the person to the priest, who will establish the amount according to the means of the man who made the vow.

9 “If what he promised by vow is an animal acceptable as an offering to the Lord, an animal thus given to the Lord becomes holy.

10 He will not be able to exchange it or replace a bad animal with a good one, nor a good animal with a bad one; If you exchange one animal for another, both the substitute and the one being replaced will become saints.

11 If what he promised by vow is an unclean animal, not acceptable as an offering to the Lord, the animal will be presented to the priest,

12 who will evaluate you based on your qualities. The priest's assessment will determine the value of the animal.

13 If the owner wishes to rescue the animal, he will have to add a fifth to its value.

14 “If a man consecrates his house to the Lord, the priest will evaluate the house by its qualities. The priest's assessment will determine the value of the house.

15 If the man who consecrates his house wants to redeem it, he will have to add a fifth to its value, and the house will be his again.

16 “If a man consecrates part of his family's land to the Lord, its value will be according to the sowing: six hundred grams of silver for each barrel of barley seed.

17 If you consecrate your land during the jubilee year, the value will be full.

18 But if you consecrate it after the Jubilee, the priest will calculate the value according to the number of years remaining until the next Jubilee year, and the value will be reduced.

19 If the man who consecrates his land wishes to redeem it, he will have to add a fifth to its value, and the land will become his again.

20 But if he does not redeem it, or if he has sold it, it can no longer be redeemed;

21 when the land is released in the Jubilee, it will be holy, consecrated to the Lord, and will become the property of the priests.

22 “If a man consecrates to the Lord land that he has purchased, land that is not part of his family property,

23 the priest will determine the value according to the time remaining until the jubilee year; the man will pay the amount on the same day, consecrating it to the Lord.

24 In the year of jubilee the lands will be returned to the one from whom he purchased them.

25 All values will be calculated based on the standard weight of the sanctuary, which is twelve grams.

26 “No one can consecrate the first offspring of an animal, as it already belongs to the Lord; whether it be the offspring of a cow, a goat, or a sheep, it belongs to the Lord.

27 But if it is the offspring of an unclean animal, you can redeem it for the established value, adding a fifth to that value. If not redeemed, it will be sold for the established value.

28 “However, nothing that a man possesses and consecrates to the Lord, whether man or animal or land belonging to him, may be sold or redeemed; All things thus consecrated are most holy to the Lord.

29 “No person consecrated to destruction can be rescued; will have to be executed.

30 “All the tithes of the land, whether of the grain or of the fruit of the trees, belong to the Lord; are consecrated to the Lord.

31 If a man wishes to redeem part of his tithe, he will have to add a fifth to its value.

32 The tithe of their flocks, one of every ten animals that pass under the shepherd's rod, will be consecrated to the Lord.

33 The owner will not be able to remove the good from the bad, nor make any exchange. If you make any changes, both the animal and the substitute will become consecrated and cannot be rescued.”

34 These are the commandments that the Lord commanded Moses on Mount Sinai for the Israelites.