Leviticus 22 – Verses from Leviticus 22 from the book of Leviticus in the Bible.

Leviticus 22 – Verses from Leviticus 22 of the book of Leviticus of the Bible.

1 The Lord said to Moses:


2 “Tell Aaron and his sons to treat with respect the sacred offerings that the Israelites dedicate to me, so that they do not profane my holy name. I am the Lord.

3 “Warn them that if, in their future generations, any of their descendants is unclean when they approach the sacred offerings that the Israelites consecrate to the Lord, they will be eliminated from my presence. I am the Lord.

4 “No descendant of Aaron who has leprosy or a discharge may eat the sacred offerings until he is cleansed. You will also be unclean if you touch something contaminated by a corpse, or if semen comes out of it,

5 or if you touch any creature, or someone that makes you unclean, whatever the impurity.


6 Whoever touches them will be unclean until evening. You may not eat the sacred offerings unless you have bathed in water.

7 After sunset he will be pure, and then he will be able to eat the sacred offerings, as they are his food.

8 You also cannot eat an animal found dead or torn apart by wild animals, as it would become unclean because of them. I am the Lord.

9 “The priests will obey my precepts, so that they will not suffer the consequences of their sin or be executed for having profaned them. I am the Lord, who sanctify you.

10 “Only the priest and his family may eat the sacred offering; Your guest cannot eat it, nor your employee.

11 But if a priest buys a slave, or if a slave is born in his house, that slave may eat his food.

12 If a priest's daughter marries someone who is not a priest, she cannot eat the sacred offerings.

13 But if the daughter of a priest becomes a widow or is divorced, and has no children, and returns to live in her father's house as in her youth, she may eat her father's food, but no one outside her family may eat of it. of the priest.

14 “If anyone unintentionally eats a sacred offering, he shall return the offering to the priest and add a fifth of its value.

15 “The priests shall not profane the sacred offerings that the Israelites present to the Lord,

16 allowing them to eat them and thus bringing upon them guilt that demands redress. I am the Lord who sanctifies you.”

17 The Lord said to Moses:

18 “Say this to Aaron and to his sons and to all the Israelites: If any of you, whether an Israelite or a foreigner residing in Israel, presents an offering as a burnt offering to the Lord, whether as a vow or as a freewill offering,

19 he will present a male without blemish from the herd, ox, ram or goat, so that it may be accepted in his favor.

20 Do not bring any defective animal, because it will not be accepted in your favor.

21 When someone brings an animal from livestock or Flock of sheeps as a communion offering to the Lord, in fulfillment of a vow, or as a voluntary offering, to be acceptable the animal must be without blemish or blemish.

22 Do not offer to the Lord an animal that is blind, crippled, mutilated, ulcerated, full of festering wounds or with discharge. Do not place any of these animals on the altar as an offering to the Lord, prepared by fire.

23 However, they may present as a voluntary offering a deformed or stunted ox or ram or goat, but in the case of fulfilling their vow, they will not be accepted.

24 They may not offer to the Lord an animal whose testicles are bruised, crushed, torn apart or cut. Don't do this in your own land,

25 nor accept animals like these from the hands of a foreigner to offer them as food to your God. They will not be accepted in your favor, as they are deformed and have defects.”

26 The Lord said to Moses:

27 “When a calf, a lamb or a kid is born, it will remain with its mother for seven days. From the eighth day onwards it will be accepted as an offering to the Lord prepared by fire.

28 Do not kill a cow or a sheep or a goat and its offspring on the same day.

29 “When you offer a sacrifice of gratitude to the Lord, offer it in such a way that it will be accepted on your behalf.

30 It will be eaten that same day; leave nothing until the next morning. I am the Lord.

31 “Obey my commandments and put them into practice. I am the Lord.

32 Do not profane my holy name. I will be recognized as a saint by the Israelites. I am the Lord who sanctifies you

33 and who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord.”