Exodus 35 – Verses from Exodus 35 from the book of Exodus in the Bible.

1 Moses gathered the entire community of Israel together and said to them, “These are the things the Lord commanded you to do:


2 In six days any work can be done, but the seventh day will be holy for them, a Sabbath of rest consecrated to the Lord. Everyone who works on that day will have to be killed.

3 Don't even light a fire in any of your houses on the Sabbath! “

4 Moses said to the entire community of Israel: “This is what the Lord has commanded:

5 Separate from your possessions an offering to the Lord. Everyone who is willing in his heart will bring gold, silver and bronze as an offering to the Lord;


6 blue, purple and red fabric threads; fine linen and goat hair;

7 red-dyed sheepskins and leather; acacia wood;

8 oil for lighting; spices for anointing oil and fragrant incense;

9 onyx stones and other precious stones to be embedded in the priestly vest and breastplate.

10 “All who are able among you will come and do everything that the Lord has commanded:

11 the tabernacle with its tent and its covering, the hooks, the frames, the bars, the pillars and the bases;

12 the ark with its poles, the lid and the veil that protects it;

13 the table with its poles and all its utensils, and the bread of the Presence;

14 the lampstand with its utensils, the lamps and the oil for lighting;

15 the altar of incense with its sticks, the anointing oil, and the fragrant incense; the dividing curtain at the entrance to the tabernacle;

16 the altar of burnt offerings with its bronze grate, its poles and all its utensils; the bronze basin and its base;

17 the outer curtains of the court with its pillars and bases, and the curtain at the entrance to the court;

18 the stakes of the tabernacle and the courtyard and their ropes;

19 the liturgical vestments for ministering in the Holy Place, both the sacred vestments of Aaron the priest, and the vestments of his sons, for when they serve as priests.”

20 Then the whole community of Israel left Moses,

21 and all who were willing, whose heart led them to it, brought an offering to the Lord for the work in the Tent of Meeting, for all its services, and for the holy garments.

22 Everyone who came forward, both men and women, brought gold jewelry of all types: brooches, earrings, rings and ornaments; and they presented their golden objects as a ritually wave offering before the Lord.

23 Everyone who had blue, purple, and red thread, or fine linen, or goats' hair, or sheepskins dyed red, or leather, brought them.

24 Those who presented an offering of silver or bronze brought it as an offering to the Lord, and everyone who had acacia wood for any part of the work also brought it.

25 All the capable women wove with their hands and brought what they had made: blue, purple, and red cloth and fine linen.

26 All the women who were willing and had the skill wove goat hair.

27 The leaders brought onyx stones and other precious stones to be embedded in the priestly vest and breastplate.

28 They also brought spices and olive oil for lighting, for anointing oil and for aromatic incense.

29 All the Israelites who were willing, both men and women, brought freewill offerings to the Lord for all the work that the Lord, through Moses, commanded them to do.

30 Then Moses said to the Israelites, “The Lord has chosen Bezalel, son of Uri, grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah,

31 and filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him dexterity, skill and full artistic capacity,

32 to design and execute works in gold, silver and bronze,

33 for carving and polishing stones, carving wood for all types of crafts.

34 And he gave both him and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others.

35 To all of these he gave the ability to carry out all types of work as craftsmen, designers, embroiderers of fine linen and blue, purple and red cloth threads, and as weavers. They were capable of designing and executing any artisanal work.”