Gospel of the Day – Luke 1:57-66

“And the time for Elizabeth to give birth was completed, and she had a son.
And her neighbors and relatives heard that God had shown her great mercy, and they rejoiced over her.


E aconteceu que, ao oitavo dia, vieram circuncidar o menino, e lhe chamavam Zacarias, o nome de seu pai. E, respondendo sua mãe, disse: Não, porém será chamado João.

E disseram-lhe: Ninguém há na tua parentela que se chame por este nome.
And they asked their father by nods what he wanted to be called.
E, pedindo ele uma tabuinha de escrever, escreveu, dizendo: O seu nome é João. E todos se maravilharam.

E logo a boca se lhe abriu, e a língua se lhe soltou; e falava, louvando a Deus.
E veio temor sobre todos os seus vizinhos, e em todas as montanhas da Judéia foram divulgadas todas estas coisas.

And all who heard them kept them in their hearts, saying, Who then is this child? And the hand of the Lord was with him.


Luke 1:57-66

The Importance of the Gospel of the Day

As Christians, we place a high value on God’s Word. It is through believing in the Word of God that we are saved (Rm 10;17). The Word of God then becomes our guide for life in all circumstances, whether in employment, in social life or even in the family circle. Our aspiration should be to live by the Word of God.

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