Prayer for a consecrated heart

And whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as to the Lord, and not to men. Colossians 3:23

Dear Father, who art in the high heavens and on the high and sublime throne, I approach you in reverence before your holiness. Lord God, first of all, forgive me for any sin, whether in word, deed or thought. Purify my entire being so that I can stand before your presence. Eternal God, look at me as the sinner that I am, but repentant, who pours himself at the feet of Christ, so that I can come to you, saint of Israel.


Beloved God, you know my heart, you know its intentions in the smallest details, you know that I struggle daily to change, even failing at various times. But Your grace makes me seek you, my heart longs for your presence in great reverence, because, who am I to stand before you, who is so great and powerful.

Lord, my The fights against the self are too big, it seems like sometimes I'm going to succumb, Evil knocks at my door, it tries to ravage me, the wind brings storms of problems so that I forget you and the heart bows to the flesh, my account of. God, I know I don't kill, I don't steal, I don't steal, but I know that sin goes much further than that. Sir, When I look at myself I don't see how to save myself, but when I look at Christ I don't see how to lose myself.

Prayer for a consecrated heart

So God, search my heart, test me and know my thoughts, see if there is an evil path in me and guide me along the eternal path. Ps 139:18. Oh great I amAlmighty, incline your ear to listen to me at this moment, it is solemn.

I ask, Father, that help me change every day. May my actions be devoid of myself, and may my actions, Lord, however good they may be, not be stained with pride. So Father, remove from me all denominational pride, remove from my heart pride for the gifts you gave me, remove from my heart the love for some authority over others that I lead. Help me Lord to understand your desire, cleanse my heart of evil, take away my heart of stone and put one of flesh.


Your promises, Lord, are profound, that's why Christ died to save us, he shed his blood as the greatest promise of all, now I can get attached to him. Give me a heart like that of my Holy Master, Jesus, give me a heart willing to obey, make me what you want.

Holy Father, if you look inside me, there will be nothing good to offer you. But Lord God, I have one desire, and that is to be transformed by your grace. Cleanse not only my heart, but that of each of my family members, show them that you save, that you can change the human heart.

Dear God, help me to do your will with all my heart, not with the eyes of men, but devoid of everything earthly, then my soul will be happy, my heart will vibrate for your presence. I know, beloved Father, that you are so big that the universe cannot contain you, but you make yourself so small to enter my heart. May I do everything you ask, Lord, with all my heart. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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