Gospel of the Day – Luke 5:1-11

“One day Jesus was near the lake of Gennesaret, and a crowd was pressing in on him from all sides to hear the word of God.


He saw two boats at the edge of the lake, left there by fishermen, who were washing their nets.

He got into one of the boats, the one that belonged to Simão, and asked him to move him a little away from the beach. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.

Having finished speaking, he said to Simon: “Go to where the water is deepest”, and to everyone: “Let down your nets for fishing”.

Simon replied: “Master, we tried hard all night and caught nothing. But because you’re the one saying this, I’m going to let the nets in.”


When they did, they caught such a quantity of fish that the nets began to tear.

Then they signaled to their companions in the other boat to come and help them; and they came and filled both boats so full that they almost began to sink.

When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' feet and said, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man! ”
For he and all his companions were perplexed at the catch they had taken,

as also James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners. Then Jesus said to Simon: “Do not be afraid; From now on you will be a fisher of men.”

They then dragged their boats to the beach, left everything and followed him.

Luke 5:1-11

The Importance of the Gospel of the Day

As Christians, we place a high value on God’s Word. It is through believing in the Word of God that we are saved (Rm 10;17). The Word of God then becomes our guide for life in all circumstances, whether in employment, in social life or even in the family circle. Our aspiration should be to live by the Word of God.

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