According as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:Ephesians 1:4
My beloved Father, in this prayer of the elect in Christ I consecrate my life into your hands. The Lord is the Almighty God who chose me before the foundation of the world. That is why I see the wonder that the Lord has provided for all of us. I thank you that Christ was given to save me before the foundation of the world.
Lord, holy God, I cling to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. In Him all things were done, I owe my salvation, a great price was paid to save me. I give my life into your hands, because before loving you, the Lord loved me first. Therefore I belong to you twice, by creation and by redemption.. Then take my life because it is your property.
I seek you with this prayer of the chosen ones in Christ with all my heart. Because the Lord establishes my life, fills me with hope and love that does not confuse. I need you at all times, in all situations so that I may have tranquility in the fights. Then be my helper God, take me with the chosen ones that your word speaks of.
God of love, my heart is filled with joy knowing that you have chosen me. My foundation is in you. Christ the King is the one who died for me. Therefore, I want to die in him for the world. In this way, I will be preparing myself adequately for heaven. Do not let me abandon you, discourage you from eternal life.
How good it is to seek you with this prayer of the chosen in Christ, because it was a love that transformed me. Christ looked differently than the world looks, that is why I give everything I have and am to him. So Don't let the darkness envelop me and extinguish the flame of hope that I have. The Lord is holy and blessed in heaven and in all that he created.
Lord God, I will live for you, for your glory shines on the altar of my heart. I feel your love attracting me with ennobling strength. Help me not to forget all your deeds in my life. In the same way, help me to live as chosen, as someone who has truly accepted your forgiveness. I I take possession of your grace, I cling to Jesus, because he is by my side when the tears fall.
In my prayer of the chosen in Christ I place my pains, hopes and struggles. Look at my plea, listen to my mind or what my lips pronounce. I want to see Jesus in Glory, in the kingdom of victory, to be with all the saints. I will be with those who embrace the truth, because of the righteousness of my Jesus and not because of mine..
Christ chose me, so I trust in the biblical promises, in eternal salvation. In you I have strength in times of illness, anguish and pain. So I make you my hiding place, my fortress that protects me in days of trouble. Come here to my home, we help you feel your Holy presence.
Change the atmosphere of my home, sanctify my house, keep everyone for salvation. I end this prayer of the chosen ones in Christ asking and thanking in His name. Amen!