Daily search prayer

Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.Psalms 105:3

Infinite heavenly Father, I thank you for this moment of daily search prayer, because it is my constant desire. Only the Lord is God and King of kings, therefore your mercy endures forever. That is why the Lord renews me every day, for he is great in power and seeks the afflicted.


Certainly whoever goes before you will not go in vain, because the Lord is a compassionate God who spares no effort to help. That's why I cling to your infinite power with all the strength I have. Forgive my sins and help me to walk uprightly and be obedient so that I may praise your name.

I wish to one day stand before your face that shines like the sun of justice, so I cling to your eternal grace. In this prayer of daily search I surrender myself completely into your hands so that there will be a great transformation in my life. Be praised and magnified forever and bless me, my Lord and king.


Do your will in my life, change and transform my heart, so I will be firm as a rock. I will certainly follow you, not a certainty based on any power I have, but on your Holy Spirit who works in my life. That's why I will cling to Christ because he is my example in all things in life.


How good it is to follow you, to give you my life with this prayer of daily search. Your word says that whoever seeks you with all their heart will find you. Then I will cling to you, that's why I place myself in your hands. Like this I will establish myself on the immovable rock and I will establish my steps to eternity.

Look at me, see how I am, my soul and my life. Then I will cleave to the Lord, consecrating and dedicating myself to you. Father, I will cling to the righteousness of Christ so that I can grow spiritually. Like this a rich atmosphere will remain in my home, leaving an air of joy and spirituality.

I will dwell in the place you have prepared for me, so I strengthen my faith in the search for you with this prayer of daily search. So Jesus can dwell in my heart forever. Then my faith will be as strong as the hardest stone on this earth. That way I will dedicate myself even more to you, because only the Lord is God.

God, I will follow you, I will always seek you with this prayer with great faith. This way my life will be one of great testimony and gratitude for everything you have done in my life. But I know that The good work that began in me will continue to be done because the Lord does nothing halfway.

I ask you to hear and answer this prayer because I know it has the power to change anyone. Certainly nothing is impossible for you, so I cry out to the Lord. Act on each person in my family, help everyone to seek the Lord.

Before the Lord I finish this prayer of daily search. Serve her according to your will in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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