Self-control prayer

Each person must learn to control their own body and thus live in holiness and honor, 1 Thessalonians 4:4

Great Father of lights and mercy, in this self-control prayer I give my life to yours control. Because I know that the Lord rules over our lives without being arbitrary. Only the Lord knows how to solve all our problems.


That's why I give my life into your hands to keep and protect me. So I also ask that you forgive me for any sin I have committed. Surely the Lord is a God who loves and keeps at all times.

Help me control my own self so that I don't walk off the path you made for me. So in this prayer of self-control I surrender what I am to the Lord to help me walk with you always. That's why help me control myself so I don't get ahead of myself.


Before being in your kingdom, I want your kingdom to be born in my heart, because I desire heaven in my life. In the same way, remove all impatience so that I behave in a way that pleases you.


So, my God, I do not pray this prayer of self-control in vain. Because I know that the Lord hears me and always gives what I need in my life. That Help me control my words so I don't hurt anyone. So take away all the bitterness in my heart.

Be present in my life daily and help me feel the warmth of your Holy Spirit. In this way I will walk in sanctification and honor and please the Lord. Certainly from the Lord comes the change of life and the transformation of character.

Great is the Lord, that's why I seek you with this prayer of self-control. This way I will be able to curb my tongue, curb my thoughts and also control my appetite. God I will have moderation in what is good, but I want to abstain from everything that is bad.

I know that having self-control is not easy, because patience has to be cultivated. That's why I give my life into your hands May the Lord make a great home in my heart.

Your righteousness is everlasting and your truth endures forever. That's why by your side I have peace and joy. Renew my being and help me to continue moving forward without ever giving up. Only in the Lord I believe and seek the spirit of moderation and sanctification.

May the Lord continue to hear this prayer of mine for self-control and free me from myself. This way I will remove all the bad things that hinder me on my journey. During this process I will cling to the Lord with all my strength.

Only in the Lord do I have holiness. So light up my home at this moment and take away all the darkness that wants to keep me away from you.

I cannot sanctify myself, so I seek you with this prayer of self-control. But Your Holy Spirit acts with transforming power over my life.

I ask this prayer and I thank you in the name of your beloved Son. Amen!

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