Prayer of full surrender

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable worship.Romans 12:1

My beloved heavenly Father, in this prayer of full surrender I put my life in your care, because you care about me. Therefore may your name be praised and magnified forever. I thank you for your forgiveness and action in my life. So take care of me every day so that I never stop growing in my Christian walk.


Here is my heart before you, detach me from myself by removing all the evil that is in me. That's why I place my whole life before you. So I will have great satisfaction in serving you, so my heart is fixed on you. God, help me to make a complete commitment, giving strength in the face of the most tremendous tests.

Holy God, in this prayer of full surrender I seek you, because from you comes help for every moment of despair or any difficulty. So my God, help me to make a complete surrender so that everything is valid to the Lord. I trust entirely in the merits of my Jesus, savior and king.


O beloved Father, how good it is to feel heavenly peace, this is only possible when you are by my side. So come and live in me, make your home in my heart. This way too, May my offerings ascend to your throne of grace as a sweet aroma. May my life be in your hands. in consecration.


It is often not easy to live by faith, but I surrender everything I am to the Lord with this prayer of full surrender. So hear my voice, look inside me and help me offer my body as a living sacrifice to you. Come make your home in my heart and help me make the best decisions for my life.

Take care of me and make me see beyond what I see and may my actions be seasoned with salt, be purified by your Spirit from every earthly odor. O My God, only the Lord is holy and true, so help me to walk righteously and give me strength so that I can move forward.

May this prayer of full surrender help me to cling to you daily. This way I can move forward without looking at my problems. So come visit me with your holy presence and help me always trust you because I need the Lord on every journey of life.

Father of love, I am yours, so take care of me and help me do everything for you so that I may be accepted. So come clean my heart and help me make a complete delivery. Therefore, I give my life here at this moment so that work in me your will and do.

This prayer of full surrender is my heart pouring out to the Lord, because Christ died to save me. Here is my mind, my heart asking you in Jesus name. Amen!

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