Prayer of God's goodness

They will abundantly recite the memory of your great goodness, and they will sing of your righteousness.Psalms 145:7

Lord, my God and Father, I thank you for this opportunity to prayer of God's kindness what I'm doing right now. I recognize your power and your infinite greatness and that you hate sin, but love the sinner unconditionally. Therefore, I surrender to the Lord, trusting that he will fulfill all his promises that are firm until the end.


There is no way to forget your achievements, as they were very important to my life and my spiritual growth. Certainly your eternal truth is capable of freeing human beings from sin and elevating them to this pure and holy atmosphere where is your kindness. Everything good comes from you, God who consoles and welcomes his children every day.

Every time I seek you with this prayer of God's goodness, I see every action you have done in my life since those great moments I spent with the Lord. My Beloved Father, only the Lord is holy and eternal, slow to anger and great in power. In this way I will look for you every day of my life because in you I am saved.


Come to me with your eternal kindness, forgive me for any offense I have done to the Lord, come to me with your great power. My Holy Father, great things have happened to me, The Lord performs miracles that are greater than many imagine. So the care of the human heart only comes from you, who does great things.


Holy Father, your kingdom come to me as I pray this prayer of God's goodness because the Lord is the one who has done great things in my life. Transform my entire being, act in the lives of each of my family members. Your will be done, my great God, I will speak of your goodness to everyone because everything good I have in my life came from you.

Take care of everything I have, because I will talk about all your deeds in my life. I I will always seek you because I trust only in the Lord who created everything and from you comes salvation. Who am I without you? How can I advance in the Christian experience without the Lord?

This prayer of God's goodness is my gratitude for what he will do in my life and that of my entire family. Give me a home of peace and joy even in the midst of problems so that everyone who visits my home feels a welcoming and spiritual atmosphere.

Help me to have your kindness in my heart, may all your deeds remain in my memory so that I never forget everything you have done. May the Holy Spirit rest upon me, He is the one who changes the lives of all those who believe in your sacred word.

Look at me, listen to this prayer of God's goodness because I believe that the Lord will fulfill everything he promised in the scriptures. Your truth changed my life and attracts me like a magnet.

I finish this blessed prayer, my great and almighty God, asking in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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