Prayer of praise

I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will rejoice and exult in you; to your name, O Most High, I will sing praises. Psalms 9:1,2

In the face of so much difficulty that life presents, I want to present this prayer of praise to you. You, both in the past and present, have done great things, helping everyone you want. That's why you did great things to show your greatness and your infinite love for the human race. So do not let me walk in the path of unbelief, but may I see your grace in every part of nature.


Certainly your actions are powerful, so I seek the Lord with this prayer of praise. Thus I magnify you, exalting your name, being transformed by the light that comes from your throne. There was a day when God became flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth to bring salvation. He healed all kinds of people and cast out demons, showed his power and how he could offer people growth.

So from now on I ask forgiveness for my sins and to hear this prayer of praise. The greatest desire is to praise you with all my heart and sing of all your wonders as the psalmist is saying. In this way I will be bound by your grace that sanctifies everyone who believes. Therefore, I ask that you engrave your truth in my heart and that I do not depart from it at any time.


They will certainly have new and unworldly songs on their lips, because the Lord has transformed the hearts of many people and mine too. My Father, something that amazes me That's when I see people who apparently have no way of changing their lives. That's why the Lord answered her prayer and performed a great miracle in her life.


So I pray right now for all the people who need you for help. Then show a miracle that the Lord is capable of performing. But help everyone to have patience and faith in the face of life's concerns

Holy God, in this prayer of praise I seek only you. This way I won't forget the air I breathe, the legs that support me, my arms that reach up to grab something and so many other things. So, in the face of difficulty, I ask you to help me, seek the Lord with a spirit of joy, singing praises.

My great Father is in heaven and worshiping you is praise. Then I will sing of all your deeds. This helps me change what needs to be transformed in my life and break every bond that the enemy is preparing for me. Help me not to follow the bad things that are in my past generation.

At the end of this prayer of praise, I ask that you help me not to give up on what is right even in the face of the worst confrontations in life. Help me to crucify my own self so that the old man dies completely and that grace transforms me completely in my life. I ask and thank you in the name of my beloved Jesus. Amen!

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