Divine miracle prayer

You are the God who performs miracles; you show your power among the people. Psalms 77:14

Lord, I address you with this divine miracle prayer, because I always want to believe in what you have done and that it can give me a new heart. Soon I can't help but kneel before your magnificent presence. That's why I marvel at your infinite greatness. So I won't be able to stop telling his enormous achievements, but I don't just want to tell what the Lord did in the Bible, but also my life.


So come to me and help me to be a channel of blessing for everyone. Listen to this divine miracle prayer because I believe you created all things and performed miracles in front of crowds. But, my God, I realized that Although all miracles were important, the greatest of all is the healing of the human heart. Because many Israelites saw the Red Sea parting, but immediately afterwards they murmured as if there was nothing. In the same way, Christ performed a miracle among the crowd, but some time later they asked to crucify him.

So my God, in this divine miracle prayer I want you to make a change in my heart because this is capable of changing the lives of others. Your actions are extraordinary because you showed your powerful deeds before all nations and thus reached us. In this way, I don’t want to be scandalized by your gospel, but I want to live your truth at all costs..


Certainly, the Lord is a God who performs miracles, which is why I insist on this divine miracle prayer. This way too I ask that at this moment you touch the heart of that person I have been praying for so much. Perform a miracle in her life so that she follows your truth, being saved for your kingdom.


My God, don't allow me to forget what you did for me in the past so that I don't act in disbelief in times of difficulty. But help me to pray to the Lord, seek you with this prayer of divine miracle and through meditation and study of the sacred scripture. Don't let the shadows of the world envelop me to the point where I no longer see the miracles of life.

As I am happy with Jesus in my heart, I will delight in doing your will even if at times I don't feel it. However, I did not speak with hypocrisy but with the real need to change my life, because I always pray for wait.

Look at my path, see my work, analyze the circumstances I live with my family and show everything I must change to be a blessing for them. Then I insist on saying this divine miracle prayer to you because I know it is powerful to save the repentant sinner.

Oh my God, give me your protection and your daily care and help me to be a miracle in the lives of others. This way I will truly testify to the love of Jesus who died for me on the cross. Answer this prayer and do according to your will in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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