Prayer of the King of Glory

Open yourselves, O portals; open yourselves, you ancient doors, so that the King of glory may enter. Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and valiant, the Lord valiant in wars. Psalms 24:7,8

Holy and eternal God, there is nothing more beautiful when I think of Christ and turn to you with my prayer of the King of Glory. Because Psalm 24 is very beautiful, as it shows Christ ascending to heaven shortly after his resurrection. There is Jesus after facing the battle of the Cross to save my life by entering through the eternal portals.


The angels joyfully chant who is the king of glory? Therefore, it is impossible not to mention that the King of Glory is Jesus Christ, powerful in battle. Christ God, because he was man, without ceasing to be God, paid the price for me on the tree.

Forgive my sins and hear the prayer of the King of Glory, because the merits of Christ are credited to my account and I take it by faith. So I claim your merits as mine because mine are not good. So I would never reach heaven without placing myself in the hands of the kind master. So help me to always keep myself in mind and place myself at your feet at all times.


The angels could go to the service of Jesus Christ and take him off the Cross, but Christ's love was greater than death. So he preferred to extend his hand on the cross of Calvary to save my life, I being a sinner. Now the marks will remain like scars forever on your hands to show the price of redemption of the human soul. In this way, all those who stop to meditate for at least an hour in those moments of suffering and pain have changed their lives.


May your will be done in my life Lord, may this prayer of the King of Glory be heard by you at this moment and strengthen my failing and weak heart. Certainly my desire is to honor you, following your promises by living by faith, and taking possession of the saving Grace of Christ. Therefore I ask that you come upon me and upon everyone I have spoken of in your word so that they may repent of their sins and surrender their lives into your hands.

Therefore, your work, my God, was not in vain for the human race. Surely the enemy will be defeated forever and will never tempt anyone again. All this thanks to Jesus Christ who, even though he was God, humbled himself by coming to Earth to save me, a sinner..

This prayer from the King of Glory is close to my heart, beloved Father, because when I look at Christ I see hope, I see the power and encouragement to move forward. So I want to trace the path that all your children of the past have traced. That is why everyone awaits the resurrection of the saved where all the redeemed will be in heaven. So I will continue to pray for me and my family to be in your kingdom.

Although I don't understand the entire process of my life on Earth, I know that the mighty God cares about me and that his Son died to save me. So don't let the difficulties that plague my life take me away from you.

I place this prayer in your hands, listen with affection and respond according to your mercy and good will. In the name of Jesus I ask, I thank you. Amen!

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