Asaph's Prayer

Even though my flesh and my heart fail, God is the strength of my heart and my inheritance forever. Psalms 73:26

Lord God, when I read this Asaph's prayer I see how he looked at the situation at that time, seeing the depraved world, where the wicked prosper. It's no different from today where it seems like they aren't punished, my God. Because there are those who are not arrested despite so much corruption, it seems that there are no cells for them. Therefore Asaph said: Indeed, God is good to Israel, to those with a pure heart. But as for me, my feet almost slipped; It took little for my steps to be diverted. Psalms 73:1,2.


However, in Asaph's prayer he recognized that in the end this does not end up being the case, as his righteous judgment will consume those who remain outside of you by choice. I confess, my God, that it is not always easy, because I am a flawed person, Things here, as the Lord knows, are not always easy. But the Lord has guided everything in his immense wisdom.

God, although Asaph's prayer seems incredulous, he is human, but he did not deviate from what he saw, even though he was shaken. So help me to always look to the end of all things because the Lord guides everything with enormous wisdom. But our mind is finite and our vision is limited in the face of conflict with the enemy on this earth.


My God, in Asaph's prayer I learn great lessons, it shows our humanity, where we went wrong in misunderstanding you, but whoever meditates will see the end of everything. Asaph said that he envied the arrogant, seeing the prosperity of the wicked.Psalms 73:3. But he realized that all this was temporary, that the prosperity of the wicked would not last forever. That's why I want to look up and see my Jesus on his beautiful throne of grace and truth and cling to the cross.


Lead me by the hand, my Lord and king, and make me always seek you like a great watchman. This way I will live and teach your truth, even if I am going against the grain of the world. Help me to walk by your side, even if they persecute me for it. All those who seek salvation in Jesus will see the dawning morning, for they have embraced the opportunity.

When the book of Psalms shows this prayer of Asaph, it shows how God cares about our troubles, which is why I put everything before you, my Lord and king. This way I will have the power from above that will regenerate my life forever. So pay attention to this prayer of mine is that a channel of light be opened between me and you forever.

At the end of Asaph's prayer he recognized that the Lord is an infinite God and that he gives rewards according to each person's works. In the same way, I recognize that the Lord is great and that he can change my life. Your forgiveness transforms the lives of all those who walk wrongly now. So let there be in the life of each family member of mine who is walking on the wrong path, thinking that there will be no punishment for such a choice.

Guide my thoughts, my beloved Father, make me look and not lose faith in the journey, even if it seems that everything is strange. This way my faith will be secure, close to Jesus he will grant me eternal victory. For trust in Christ I pray. Amen!

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