Pentecost prayer

They all always gathered in prayer, with the women, including Mary, the mother of Jesus, and with Jesus' brothers. Acts 1:14. When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all gathered in one place Acts 2:1

My Holy God, just as the apostles did the Pentecost prayer, I do too now. Firstly because I thank you for all the harvests of blessing that the Lord has bestowed on me. Afterwards, because my desire is to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and preach your truth to the world. First of all, like each one of them, I confess my sins to you, may the Lord cast them into the bottom of the sea. Thus I will be sanctified in the truth to preach the truth.


I will say this Pentecost prayer every day of my life because I know that the Lord is the God who provides. The Lord strengthens the spirit and warms the heart of the contrite and downcast. Even, my God, A great work takes place in the human heart when the Lord touches it. Your works are admirable and the Lord always completes the work he began to do at the beginning. That is why he does not forget anyone, but knocks on the door of the heart saying: Behold, I stand at the door and knock; If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his house and dine with him, and he with me.Revelation 3:20.

Your works are too admirable for me to stop following and side with the enemy of souls. So listen to this Pentecost prayer and just as the Lord did with the apostles, baptize me with your Holy Spirit. My God, help me to believe in the truth and cling to it as faithfully as a compass clings to the pole. Just as the apostles humbled themselves before you, joining in prayer, I also want to be among brothers in prayer, among family and friends, alone too. Thus I will grow in grace and in virtue of your Holy Spirit.


Father God, help me to be faithful as the apostles were faithful, help me to be firm as Mary was. She knew that in her womb was the savior of her life, of the apostles and of the entire world.. She and the apostles knew that without Jesus not only would they be lost but the entire universe would be in the hands of the evil one. But God became flesh, dwelling among us, full of grace and truth, giving us redemption.


Therefore, in this prayer of Pentecost I place myself in your hands so that through the Holy Spirit, acting in my life, I may be transformed. In the same way, my God, the harvest will be great at Christ's return because the Lord prepares me to preach the gospel. I know that the true baptism of the Holy Spirit is the one that leads a person to pray, study the Bible, meditate on it and witness to the world. Anything beyond that is euphorism and sentimentality.

So don't allow these deceptions to happen in my life, but let there be transformation every day in my character. In this prayer of Pentecost I present the entire church in your hands and may the Lord touch the hearts of family and friends. We will all be in the same spiritual harvest when Christ returns.

So instruct me, enlighten me and may my spiritual growth be life-giving. Thus my influence will be transformative and savior on those around me. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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