Testimony Prayer

He who saw it testified to it, and his testimony is true. He knows he is telling the truth, and he testifies to it so that you too may believe. John 19:35

I only ask you, my God, that my prayer of testimony reach your throne of grace. Because I know that I have been saved and transformed to serve the Lord no matter the circumstances. I will not live the Christian life just for the expense, don't let me get involved as if it were a meeting club for people. But let the reasons be of an eternal nature, so my mind, my heart and my actions will be totally linked to the cross of Calvary.


I entrust my life completely to this prayer of testimony so that it may be transformed day by day. In this way, my God, I saw the plans you have for my life and meditate on them day and night. Then Don't leave me with a vacant life, devoid of your Spirit and true love. Your grace has transformed many in the past and has also transformed me.

I know, my God, that witnessing yourself to the world will bring persecution from those who want nothing to do with you. So help me go through all the tests I will have. I know that many people call those who dedicate themselves to the Lord with all their heart as fanatics. But I will look to Jesus Christ, he was condemned simply for living the truth intensely with love and compassion. I want to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, God and King, he redeemed me on the cross of Calvary so that today I could be here with this prayer of testimony.


The cross of Christ is a practical reality in my life, help me to always continue praying for people both at home and in moments of opportunity. So my faith will not grow cold, but will always be firm in the Lord of hosts, for in you I am free. It is only to you that I pray this prayer of testimony, because there is no other God for me to do this. Only the Lord is king, so help me to always walk on the straight path so as not to forget your kindness. As the world is not ashamed to proclaim things that make no sense, so I will not be ashamed to proclaim the message of hope to all.


This testimony prayer is because I want to talk about Jesus Christ. So, my God, a mouth speaks what the heart is full of, so help me by seeking things that are good for my spiritual life. Take away from me all vices, everything that displeases you. So change what I watch on television, what I hear and what I see. Help me to walk in places where I do not dishonor your cause.

Make me a new person daily so that one day my family and I can live in heavenly Canaan. Your powerful Spirit sanctifies me in truth and helps me never to abandon the path.

So listen to this prayer of testimony and give me power to talk about Jesus every moment I can. May my voice not be silenced in the face of pressure from men. This way I will not bend my knee to the enemy. Therefore I ask that you save me for your kingdom, answer my prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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