Samaritan's prayer

But whoever drinks the water I give him will never be thirsty again. On the contrary, the water that I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to him, “Lord, give me this water, so that I will no longer be thirsty, nor will I have to come back here to draw water.”John 4:14,15

My God, if there's anything I learn from Samaritan's prayer It's how Jesus is always open to receiving everyone who gives themselves to him with all their heart. Thus he reveals the words of life that take anyone from spiritual dryness to water that cools for eternity. So I love this Jesus who cares about me regardless of life's circumstances.


The Samaritan woman's prayer was a cry that came from her soul that desired something deeper, which brings eternal life to all those who so desire from the heart. My Jesus, just as the Lord went to talk to that Samaritan woman, come to me too. I know that The Lord knows all the people on this earth and goes to meet each one to recognize that they are sinners and confess their sins to you. This way the Lord will be able to forgive.

My Jesus, the Lord is at the right hand of the throne of God the Father to intercede for me by offering the same water that the Samaritan woman offered. So come to me and place me in your arms of compassionate and ever tender love. That is why I turn to you in prayer because you are the light of the world.


I accept the water of life that you offer me, because I know that it gives me spiritual refreshment and prepares me for eternity. Jesus, the Lord did not care about the cultural problems of the time, he acted wisely not only to save the woman, but an entire village. The Samaritan woman's prayer was a recognition of who the Lord Jesus was. I also recognize your greatness, for you incarnated as a man to die and save my life forever.


I have to offer you water that perishes, my God, but it's all I have, just as the woman only had the pitcher to get water. That's why I offer everything I am and have so that the Lord can transform me into what he wants for my life.

Then I speak of the prayer of the Samaritan woman, my prayer so that I may receive the water of life, which is the Lord, my Jesus and king. My prince Immanuel, God with us, lamb of God, lion of the tribe of Judah, good shepherd make me an eternal home.

I accept this water of life, Jesus, that the Lord offers me, cleanse me of all types of immorality and spiritual dirt that could cost me my salvation. Cleanse my mind of everything that could offend you, being a shame on your behalf. The Samaritan woman's prayer asking to give the water that flows for eternal life was the best thing she did. May the Lord help me to have this same spirit, taking away all types of pride, helping me overcome all the challenges that will be in front of me.

I make the Samaritan woman's prayer my prayer, because she cried out: Lord, give me this water. So I ask you, Jesus, give me this living water and help me testify about you to people. I know that you are more than a prophet, you are the beginning and the end, the creator together with the Father of all things. So answer this prayer and do your will, Jesus. Amen!

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