Prayer of hope

In this you rejoice, even though now, for a little while, you must be grieved by every kind of trial. This happens so that it is proven that the faith you have, much more valuable than gold that perishes, even if refined by fire, is genuine and will result in praise, glory and honor, when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1.6-7

My God and Father, with my being full of prayer of living hope I place myself in your care. This care that the Lord had for all your servants who were dispersed during this difficult time. It was a terrible period where they were at least rejected, and in worse situations persecuted and even killed. However, each of them awaited the promise of the Son of God, who would return to give the reward. So I want to take these words of Peter for myself, keeping a faith alive, but firm as steel.


Forgive my sins and what I ask of you in this prayer of living hope. My God, help me to be firm with genuine faith, because this is the goal of all those who persevere in the midst of trials. Then life has its struggles and I can face each one of them, as long as I have your Holy Spirit. So I will continue moving forward, towards the safe haven. Although I know that my life will not be just about struggles, I want strength for these moments.

Peter understood the need for the prayer of living hope, as he knew the importance of clinging to the Lord, fully trusting in his saving promise. That, my God, because We are not earthly beings experiencing a spiritual experience. In reality we are spiritual beings experiencing an earthly experience.


So I place myself in your holy and guiding hands towards eternity. This whole process began in my life when I met you, but before I was born the Lord had a purpose for me. This means that before I was conceived in my mother's womb, I was conceived in your mind. Therefore, help me to believe in all the hope that your servants of all ages have trusted. So I will pass through the pearly gates of the holy city on your great day. This is the real success of those who believe.


I will exalt in your promises because you have delivered me from so much and yet continue to guide me even when my faith seems to falter. In this prayer of living hope I introduce you to my family, take care of them, even those who are more complicated. Then perform your greatest miracle, the healing of the sinner's heart. Although I know there is nothing in me that leads to salvation, I know that Christ died for me to give me like her as a gift.

So I hold on to all of this, to all of this purpose for my life. In fact, my God, what would I do without Christ, to Him be given honor, glory and praise. Why He is worthy to be exalted, he bought us with his precious blood. Thus we are yours twice, through creation and through redemption.

In this prayer of living hope I look up, I see Christ at your side, my only sufficient advocate. I put myself entirely in your hands, handing over everything I am, change what needs to be changed.

I know that my faith will go through several trials, however, it will be refined, resulting in glory through the victory of the cross. I place myself before you in this prayer of living hope, believing in your love and care. In this way I will be refined and a person purified by the blood of Christ. In his name I ask and thank you. Amen!

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