4 Easy Tips for you to memorize the Bible Online

You have Difficulty remembering passages from the Bible at the times you need it? You read the Verses on Social Networks verse and Don't you remember where that is in the Bible?


Do you feel unmotivated every time you read the Bible, as you cannot absorb the content, even though you read it every day?

If these problems happen to you, stay with me for the next few minutes to learn:

4 habits that will make you memorize the Bible. (Even though I'm not a scholar)

At the end of this message you will know that, Yes, it is possible to memorize the entire Bible, using memorization methods proven by thousands of people.

Many Christians think that a good memory is a divine gift accessible to few.


As I said at the beginning, there are 4 habits to memorize the entire Bible, even if you are not a scholar.

First Habit: concentration on reading.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but there is a difference between focus and concentration.

Many people say that the problem with not memorizing the Bible is staying focused on reading.

The word focus actually refers to the establishment of an objective, a goal.

Concentration is a state of the brain that allows us to spend most of our time pursuing a goal.

To improve concentration, therefore, you need to manage everything around you.

When there is nothing to interrupt your studies, you remain steadfast in your purpose of memorizing the Bible.

Another advantage of managing interruptions is keeping your brain in a state of high concentration for a longer period of time.

By doing this, you begin to process information in blocks, gaining more understanding and making it easier to memorize the Bible.

Second habit: study the right way.

There is a relationship between study the Bible and studying for public exams, for example.

Many Christians try for places in public exams, but suffer because they don't study the right way.

Just to give you an idea, more than 90% of traditional students do not know how to study.

The same rule applies to the Bible.

If you don't have a study method for a text as specific as the Bible, your learning and memorization will not be efficient.

Studying the Bible the right way means decoding a message written more than fifteen hundred years ago.

Each biblical verse carries a meaning that needs to be processed correctly so that it remains in memory.

What you need to memorize the Bible is to use tools that you actually already have.

These are cognitive skills such as:

  • logical reasoning,
  • working memory,
  • the organization of ideas, that is,
  • attributes that you already have, but perhaps don't use in the right way.

Once you learn that each type of text requires a certain skill, the study starts to flow and the memory starts to cooperate. And then…

As theologian John Piper would say:

“By memorizing the Bible you start to look at situations exactly as Christ would.”

When you do this, the revelations in the books begin to make sense and the hours you spend studying turn into hours of meditation and praise.

Third habit: adopt a study plan.

In different parts of the world, the Bible is used as the lighthouse that shows the way when we feel lost.

In this context, the study plan is the map that will show you where you should begin your journey of studying and memorizing the Bible.

The study plan takes away that feeling of driving in a strange city with no signage.

He is the one who determines which books you should study, the duration of studies, the necessary break and the correct review process.

The study plan has to be personalized because your daily routine is different from the routine of other brothers of faith.

Start by organizing how the study will be approached.

Analyze whether it is viable to study the bible from beginning to end.

If it is more interesting to work with the books first or focus on the psalms.

The biblical study plan may be similar to the study plan for competitive students.

What you need to do is put everything on paper and get organized, after all, organized people don't forget.

The fourth habit: Develop a strong memory.

From 0 to 10, what grade do you give for your memorization ability?

Apart from problems such as Alzheimer's disease and neurodegenerative diseases, we can say that most people have a great memory, but few people really know how to use it.

We did qualitative research with hundreds of people to find out what the main difficulty in studying the Bible.

Their response was unanimous:

Concentration on reading and difficulty memorizing, that is, the majority gave up studying the Bible, because they knew that hours later they would forget.

Memory is a function of the brain that needs to be exercised.

In the same way that you go to the gym to strengthen your body muscles, when you strengthen your memory, it can withstand a greater load of information and you gain much more confidence.

Maybe you think:

“I barely have time to read the Bible, let alone make a study plan, study and memorize its content.”

Let me tell you something:

I can safely say that if you plan and follow a serious method you won't need more than 20 minutes a day to memorize the entire Bible.

Good memory is a gift that God has given us.

In the same way that he gave us intelligence and creativity to make choices, he also allows us to memorize a lot of things every day.

When memorizing the Bible you are able to meditate on the words without having to carry notes in your pockets. The ability to meditate on what is in your memory only increases your faith.

With a strengthened memory, you can improve your professional activities, study better, pass a competition and avoid forgetting everyday things, such as people's names, birthdays and important tasks.

By the way, have you ever noticed people who have good memories?

They are people who articulate words well, organize ideas well, and speak with authority on any subject. Explain biblical passages quickly,They cite the smallest details and easily explain chapters, verses, dates and events.

Lecturers with a good memory easily remember everything they studied, giving them more credibility. These men and women are applauded and are always surrounded by admirers.

To Strengthen your Biblical Memory We recommend the Course by RENATO ALVES, a specialist in