Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; I do not give it to you as the world gives it. Do not be troubled your heart, do not be afraid. John 16:27.
Lord God, I seek you once again, recognizing your greatness, your love and your immense saving grace. May the Lord be magnified, exalted here on earth, there in heaven and in all domains of infinite space, for you created all things.
The Lord is exalted above the nations, for he has shown his power, he has shown how cares about every human being. Even I, despite my fragile faith, the Lord loves me, hold me in your arms in moments of intense distress. I know that I am often upset, I know that I am often upset discouragement takes over me, but I come here Lord God to ask for the your forgiveness. Transform my heart Father, help me to trust you more and love Jesus and everything he did for me.

Dear God, I am going through some concerns, peace does not come to me, I am worried, I sometimes feel in despair. So Father, take care of me, help me feel your embrace, your comfort, shine on me the light of your Spirit, calms me, give me this wonderful peace of Jesus, my beloved savior.
Holy Father, the difficulties are enormous, my peace is being disturbed, people are afflicting me, reaching my weakest point, I know that the power of evil is acting, using them to bring me down. But I know that the Lord is with me.
Holy One of Israel, the Lord is the same God of the past, the one who opened the red sea, so God, open the sea of my worries and give me your peace. It was the Lord who promised to give a peace that is not like the world Give it, then Lord, give it to me, and change my heart, bring me joy of spirit.
Do you know dear Father, beloved God, a voice and call to give up, I feel intense discomfort, but where will I go, who will I look for, who will help me, which living being can give me what I need, who is capable of probe my heart and know how to navigate the flat path. Where will I go, oh Lord, if Jesus Christ is the only way? Oh, Father, I thank you for loving me so muchI thank you because you are my safe guide, I thank you for calming me, the only one capable of dominating my heart with property.
Holy God, be not only with me, but give peace to my family, help each one of them to look at you, I know you love them as much as I do. Touch the heart right now of each of them, give them this heavenly peace that is not according to the world, but according to your will, within the reason of the true existence that is Christ. Visit my friends, and all those I spoke about you, help them look for you, like I'm doing.
Holy One of Israel, help me feel Jesus in my life, whispering this promise of peace in my heart. May he overflow with joy with the your holy and benign presence. Give me peace at work, give me peace with each person in my family, give me peace in the midst of financial or health problems, give me peace in every problem, because I know that peace has to do with comfort in the midst of the tribulation of my heart.
Guide me in the path of righteousness for your name's sake. Help me feel your presence, may the Spirit shine in my heart and give me peace. In name of Jesus, I ask with all my heart, with all my soul. Amen.
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