You are the light of the world. You cannot hide a city built on a hill. John 5:14
Lord God, I thank you Father for this moment with you, how could I stop looking for you, the only one capable of comforting and guiding me on the right path. Therefore, God, be exalted at all times by all those you created. Holy Father, forgive me for any fault and help me to forgive those who offend me too.
I turn to you, at this moment, seeking the light that emanates from your kingdom of grace. Holy Father, the search for you makes my day shine differently, difficulties sometimes overwhelm me, making it seem like the day is dark. But, Lord, when I remember your word, when the Lord says: let there be light, then I take comfort because Only the creator God can make light shine in darkness. So beloved Father, I seek you alone, the only one capable of bringing the light of justice.
I seek the blessed light, I seek the glorious light, light that comes from the high heavens to brighten my day, to be a shining lantern at night, to walk correctly, seeing my steps. How beautiful and wonderful my master Jesus is, he became flesh, paying a high price for save me and guide me on the path of truth.

The light came to earth and was not recognized, but for your own sake you brought us the light grace through Christ. What results the Lord brought! The brightness of your gospel illuminated the whole world, as God came among us in the person of his beloved and divine Son and brought hope to man.
Lord God, may the light of your Spirit be with me at all times. May the light that emanates from your throne come to me and take away the darkness of fear, the darkness of all the anguish and anxiety that tries to dominate me. Lord, remove every evil arrow that tries to devastate me, shine the light on my life and help me to be for the world what you desire. Lord, I want to shine for you, when the world fades away, I want many people to see you throughout my life, holy God, that even without me saying anything, I can be a light to the tired, that is, a shine at home, a light wherever I am. Holy One of Israel, make me a miracle in the life of my neighbor.
A my soul desires you, soon the darkness dissipates, I soon see the sound of your voice, I understand how Christ wants to make me shine in the world. Look at my life, Lord, at this moment, search my heart, if there is something that is stopping me from being better for you, reach out with your powerful hand and perform a miracle in me.
Help me, my God, to illuminate the world by testifying of Christ, he put on a crown of thorns to give me a crown of glory, so beloved Father, hear this prayer of mine, you know and know me, see the sincerity in me, I know that I am weak, flawed and a sinner, but that is exactly the reason that leads me to seek you, the only source of salvation . Then Only the Lord can save me from myself and the enemy that plagues us.
Incline your ear and listen, listen to my voice, give me what to ask for today, not for any merit on my part, but the merit of Christ I ask of you. Amen!
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